PYRMDS ‘Wind at My Back’ – User Showcase

Shahir Duad – Interview Give us a bit of detail about yourself – background, profession, how you got into filmmaking and your current role I’m a writer/director based out of New York, but originally from New Zealand, and Fiji before that. I studied filmmaking both in New Zealand (Victoria University) and the US (UC Irvine).… Continue reading PYRMDS ‘Wind at My Back’ – User Showcase

The Truants – User Showcase

Two teenage boys break free from school to embark on a dangerous adventure, as they truant their way across the threatening industrial landscape which surrounds them. Set in the northern town of Blackburn in England and made on a shoestring budget, the film was entirely improvised, childhood inspired and street-cast with non-professional local actors. The… Continue reading The Truants – User Showcase

Love to Paradise – User Showcase Interview – Julian Galea How did you start out in filmmaking? I grew in Sydney, Australia with three brothers and immigrant parents from Malta. Like a lot of kids, I grew up loving movies. I found them absolutely fascinating (still do). This one day my father brought home a VHS Video Recorder and I… Continue reading Love to Paradise – User Showcase

Teenage Wasteland – Jennifer Cox

Jennifer Cox – ​I ​grew up in southern Spain, studied Documentary and Film in the UK and currently live just outside New York City.​ I have been working as a freelance filmmaker and photographer for the last ten years.​ I made my first film in college when I was 19 and it was love… Continue reading Teenage Wasteland – Jennifer Cox

Beautiful Strangers – User Showcase

Reno Mezger – Early in my career I worked as an art director for advertising and design agencies. During that period I discovered my love for photography and moving images. After stations in Auckland and NYC, I do now live and work in Hamburg, Germany. I am specialized in fashion, beauty and lifestyle. I divide… Continue reading Beautiful Strangers – User Showcase

La Forêt de la mémoire – User Showcase

evergreen films When we take a visual data and we force it until it becomes visionary power, this is a strong act of will. Our eye becomes thought that expresses itself through the image. Making a film means externalize this creative process, which previously was invisible. We must wash our eyes and learn again how… Continue reading La Forêt de la mémoire – User Showcase

Kygo + Selena Gomez music video – Carlos Flores

Carlos Flores – I’m an editor and colorist based out of New York and was born and raised in Lima, Peru. I’ve known that I wanted to make films since I was a teenager and was beyond excited to be accepted to the film program at NYU, Tisch School of the Arts. Throughout college, I… Continue reading Kygo + Selena Gomez music video – Carlos Flores