Alex Thraves – User Showcase Alex Thraves is a freelance filmmaker who produces online promo videos, events and weddings, and music videos. Alex Thraves – The Interview Give us a bit of detail about yourself – background, profession, how you got into filmmaking and your current role? I grew up in Southend-On-Sea, UK, surrounded by my father’s video cameras,… Continue reading Alex Thraves – User Showcase

Premiere Gal FilmConvert review

Kelsey Brannan, aka Premiere Gal, produces bi-weekly tutorials on Adobe Premiere Pro. In her latest video, she delves into FilmConvert, taking a look at the basic controls and showing how quickly you can apply a film look to your footage. Using the promo code “PREMIEREGAL” you can get 10% off of FilmConvert. This promo is… Continue reading Premiere Gal FilmConvert review

Insane – Korn music video, dir. Ryan Valdez

Ryan Valdez directed the music video ‘Insane’, for the band Korn. Ryan Valdez – The Interview I am from New Mexico, currently a resident here in the great Los Angeles. I work as a freelance director and as a motion graphics/vfx artist in post houses for tv networks. Current clients range from MTV to A&E.… Continue reading Insane – Korn music video, dir. Ryan Valdez

Watch the FilmConvert Competition Winners 2015

Watch the top films from the 2015 Film competition Every year we hold an annual film competition. It’s a great opportunity for us to see what all the talents filmmakers in the FilmConvert community have been working on, as well as a great way for you guys to showcase your work. We’re always very overwhelmed by… Continue reading Watch the FilmConvert Competition Winners 2015

How to nail your skin tones in FilmConvert

Dan McComb is a veteran colorist and editor, based in Seattle, WA. Dan has been a long-time FilmConvert user, and when we contacted him to discuss some new features and product enhancements, he jumped at the chance to try it out. Use FilmConvert Pro to nail your skin tones Dan has some great things to say… Continue reading How to nail your skin tones in FilmConvert

Loic Zimmermann, ‘A Solitary Mann’

Loic Zimmerman is a filmmaker and art director based in Los Angeles. His new film, ‘A Solitary Mann’, profiles the contemporary painter Jeremy Mann, in an impressionistic and absorbing portrait. Loic Zimmermann – I’m very influenced by the cinema of the 70’s in general, Martin Scorsese, Sydney Lumet, Sam Peckinpah, Francis Ford Coppola, … but… Continue reading Loic Zimmermann, ‘A Solitary Mann’

Riccardo Gabrielli, ‘Cinco’

The Film ‘Cinco’ is a indie thriller set in New York City about a conwoman who gets into a dangerous face-off against a dangerous enemy. Although shot on a Canon 5D mkIII, the production values and cinematography make the film look like a high-budget Hollywood production – check out director Riccardo Gabrielli’s interview on how he… Continue reading Riccardo Gabrielli, ‘Cinco’

Alex D. Levin, ‘Surfing Galicia’

Alex Levin shot this surfing film in Spain over the winter. It features beautiful aerial photography and natural landscapes. Camera Settings Source Camera: Sony A7s, S-log2 Film Stock: KD 5213 Vis3 Film Color: 100% Curve: 10% Grain: 0-10% Alex D. Levin – For this project I was going for a cool, natural look. We… Continue reading Alex D. Levin, ‘Surfing Galicia’