Josh Winger, ‘Truly and Madly’

‘Truly and Madly’ is a romantic film portrait of a young couple in love, directed by Josh Winger. Camera Settings Source Camera: Panasonic GH3 Natural profile Film Stock: Kodak Vis 3 & Fuji Velvia Josh Winger – Little Island Films Filmconvert was an important discovery for me. For a long time I was looking for… Continue reading Josh Winger, ‘Truly and Madly’

Of Two Lands, ‘Portrait of Greenland’

Florence and Amberly form the filmmaking partnership ‘Of Two Lands’. Together, they have made travel films in New Zealand, Indonesia, and, as depicted in ‘Portrait of Greenland’, the vast remote continent north of the Arctic Circle. Camera Settings Source Camera: Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera Film Stock: KD 5207 VIS3 Film Color: ~100% Curve: ~100% Grain:… Continue reading Of Two Lands, ‘Portrait of Greenland’

Jay Passarella – User Showcase

Jay Passarella directed this music video by Rayvon Reed, a cover of Zayn’s ‘Pillowtalk’. He had the major challenge of shooting in a very bright environment, while need to keep a natural exposure to maintain the skin tones of the actors in the video. Camera Settings Source Camera: Panasonic GH4, CineLike D Temperature: 5300 Film… Continue reading Jay Passarella – User Showcase

Delicious Cinema, ‘Heritage’

Gab Tarabously is the cinematic mind behind Delicious Cinema, a production company that highlights the world of food and the people who passionately dedicate their lives to feeding others. His ‘Culinary Filmmaking’ projects have been nominated for a James Beard Award, and his most recent collection of stories, ‘Heritage’, won the 2016 Webby Award for… Continue reading Delicious Cinema, ‘Heritage’

Philip Bloom – FilmConvert video tutorial

Philip Bloom put together this video review with footage of a recent shoot in London. He compares ungraded footage to footage graded with FilmConvert, and explains his process for creating a look, saving a preset and then applying this across footage from a range of cameras and picture styles. One of the special properties of… Continue reading Philip Bloom – FilmConvert video tutorial

The San Diego Highwayman – Foster Visuals

FilmConvert Settings Canon 5D MKIII, Cinestyle/Flat FJ 8553 ET film stock Grain: 10-20%, 35mm full frame Color: 70-80% Brent Foster – The Interview I worked as a photojournalist for years covering daily news assignments, and focusing later in my career on longer social issue based photo essays overseas. I really got into filmmaking by discovering… Continue reading The San Diego Highwayman – Foster Visuals

Color Grading science documentaries – Mark Wyatt

Mark Wyatt won the 2014 FilmConvert ColorUp competition with his film ‘Restoring the Atleo River‘. Since then, he’s continued to work on amazing projects in and around Vancouver, BC, which has yielded some of the spectacular images you can see in his videos. Mark Wyatt – the interview In 2006, I graduated from the University of… Continue reading Color Grading science documentaries – Mark Wyatt

Myst by Gairik Sarkar Settings Camera: Canon EOS 5d Mark II Software: FilmConvert Pro – After Effects, Premiere (Windows) Settings: Fuji Velvia 100 MYST. Shot, designed and edited by Gairik Sarkar Music: Clint Mansell “The Last Man” from The Fountain soundtrack Locations: Sandakphu, Tumling, Pelling (North Bengal, Sikkim) Equipment: Canon EOS 5D Mark II, Canon EOS 550D, Canon… Continue reading Myst by Gairik Sarkar