Jonah Diaz – User Showcase

Jonah Diaz is a 19 year old filmmaker, based outside of Austin, Texas. Earlier this month, Jonah released his short film Billboards, a coming of age story that deals with love, and subsequent heartbreak. FilmConvert caught up with Jonah, to discuss his filmmaking journey.   FC: Hi Jonah! Great to see you, can you tell us a… Continue reading Jonah Diaz – User Showcase

Daniela Rodríguez – User Showcase

Interview – Daniela Rodríguez I am a cinematographer and colorist. I got into filmmaking about 9 years ago. Got my Bachelor’s degree in Audiovisual Communication and Multimedia and then got an MFA in Cinematography. I’m currently working full-time as a colorist ( and I offer my services worldwide.         I’m normally hired to… Continue reading Daniela Rodríguez – User Showcase

How does CineMatch compare to Color Space Transform in Resolve?

Why CineMatch is essential for accurate camera-matching The “look” of a camera has two ingredients – the light-sensing characteristics of the sensor, and the color science created by the camera manufacturer. The color science is tailored to the performance of the sensor, and will only reproduce the correct colors when paired with the right sensor.… Continue reading How does CineMatch compare to Color Space Transform in Resolve?

D.L. Watson – User Showcase

  D.L. Watson Interview Give us a bit of detail about yourself – background, profession, how you got into filmmaking, and your current role. I started as a passionate writer and photographer and discovered my love for visual storytelling when I picked up an old family VHS recorder. Before the world was graced with YouTube,… Continue reading D.L. Watson – User Showcase

CineMatch v1.05 out now!

CineMatch v1.05 is available now for Adobe Premiere Pro and DaVinci Resolve. Release Notes LUT Export enabled – LUTs can be exported with your match settings to be used on set Premiere Pro: standard controls added and numeric input enabled for controls This update will overwrite any previously installed version, so we do not recommend upgrading… Continue reading CineMatch v1.05 out now!

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