Sony A7IV Camera Pack – Now Available!

We’re excited to announce the release of the Sony A7 IV camera pack, available now for both FilmConvert Nitrate and CineMatch!

To get the new packs:

  • FilmConvert users: download the new camera packs from our Camera Packs page
  • CineMatch users: just download the latest version of the installer from our Downloads page

One of the latest releases from Sony, the A7 IV features a 33MP full-frame sensor, ISO 100-51200, in-body stabilization, and 4K 60p shooting in Super35 mode. As well as being less noisy in the low-lights, the A7 IV includes Breathing Compensation for a consistent angle of view while focusing.

A huge thank you to our friends over at Sony NZ for letting us borrow and profile this camera!