Best Wedding Film – FilmConvert Competition 2019

Arran Kenny’s wedding film “You’ve made me see life differently’ was selected as the Best Wedding Film for the FilmConvert Competition 2019. Arran Kenny interview I started shooting weddings a couple of years ago after graduating from university with a law degree and deciding that I wanted to do something a little less soulless. While… Continue reading Best Wedding Film – FilmConvert Competition 2019

Maria’s Dream – FilmConvert Competition Wedding Category winner

Jory Stifani won the Best Wedding Film category in the FilmConvert Short Film Competition 2018. We loved the beautiful imagery and the sense of atmosphere conveyed in the film and the judges from Maru Films highlighted the cinematography as the winning factor for them. Jory Stifani interview Give us a bit of detail about yourself… Continue reading Maria’s Dream – FilmConvert Competition Wedding Category winner

La Forêt de la mémoire – User Showcase

evergreen films When we take a visual data and we force it until it becomes visionary power, this is a strong act of will. Our eye becomes thought that expresses itself through the image. Making a film means externalize this creative process, which previously was invisible. We must wash our eyes and learn again how… Continue reading La Forêt de la mémoire – User Showcase

Watch the FilmConvert Competition Winners 2015

Watch the top films from the 2015 Film competition Every year we hold an annual film competition. It’s a great opportunity for us to see what all the talents filmmakers in the FilmConvert community have been working on, as well as a great way for you guys to showcase your work. We’re always very overwhelmed by… Continue reading Watch the FilmConvert Competition Winners 2015

Josh Winger, ‘Truly and Madly’

‘Truly and Madly’ is a romantic film portrait of a young couple in love, directed by Josh Winger. Camera Settings Source Camera: Panasonic GH3 Natural profile Film Stock: Kodak Vis 3 & Fuji Velvia Josh Winger – Little Island Films Filmconvert was an important discovery for me. For a long time I was looking for… Continue reading Josh Winger, ‘Truly and Madly’