Since I was a kid I had two things that fascinated me, space and movie making. I was fascinated by science, rockets and imagined myself becoming the first human to set foot on Mars. I took science and film classes during the summer, I worked hard to keep good grades, I did everything I thought will get me closer to my dream. But at 17 my parents divorced due to my mother mental illness, and one day I had no father, no house, no money, a very sick mother, and a small brother and sister that were looking up to me.

For years we lived with friends, and relatives, and after a long list of mistakes, I reached bottom. I was homeless and broken. But God, the Universe, call it whatever you want, put people in my path that were able to see who could I become. I met the most beautiful human being, my wife, who showed me and taught me how to dream again. We came to this country 20 years ago, and now we have 3 amazing kids. I’ll take them to every rocket launch (even if they have to miss school

By Ricardo Bernardini

Arri Alexa Mini

FJ 8543 VD

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