Goiania: A journey through time, Filmconvert

In this video graded with Filmconvert (KD 5207 vis 3) we presented GOIÂNIA - The capital of the State of Goias in Brazil, wich has one of the most complete Art-Decò urbanistic collections in Brazil. . Located in the heart of the country, the city that began to transform the Brazilian cerrado, has a set of structures built in the decades of its creation (1930-1950), which are listed by the National Historical and Artistic Heritage Institute, IPHAN, which can be easily explored.
Founded in 1933 to replace the former Capital of the State (Vila Boa), Goiânia is among the cities with the best index of quality of life in the country and the one with the largest green area per inhabitant (94 m²).
If you are passing through Goiânia, it is possible to take a tour in just one day. If you do not have that much time, book at least one morning or one afternoon to visit Civic Square, which is now in the final phase of a long revitalization period. You will be surprised!

By Nilo Resende

Galaxy A7

KD 5207 Vis3

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