Finn Springborn chasing a swell close to the arctic circle:
"I've always wanted to go to Iceland, so when everything came together and everyone involved in this trip had time we didn't hesitate and booked the flight right when we saw the huge red blop on the swell charts. Going on these kind of trips to places that are not really common to surf and where the forecast can change by the hour always comes with a little risk of not getting the waves you expect, but this time I got lucky and surfing in a bay with huge snow covered mountains wherever you look was one of the most beautiful and humbling experiences of my life!"
DoP/Edit: Philipp Sigmund
Aerial footage: Steve Lewis (
Shot on Sony FS7
Graded with FilmConvert
By Philipp Sigmund
Sony PXW_FS7
KD 5213 Vis3