Time is never a luxury, rather it's a constant reminder that we just do what we love and believe in ourselves from the beginning. For Amanda Siobhan, her world revolves around her passions - art, acting and living a full life.
This narrative documentary focuses not on simply who she is and what her hobbies are, no...more importantly it's about her message; believing in yourself and allowing the little voice inside of you that's been telling you to believe in yourself to be heard.
Written, Directed, Filmed and Edited by - David Lee
Equipment Used:
Sony A7RII, Canon 1DX Mark II
Tamron 24-70 G2, Tamron 45 F1.8 VC, SLR Magic 50mm F1.1
Aputure 120D, Rode NTG-2, Rode Videomic Pro, Glidecam HD 4000
Edited in Premiere Pro and After Effects CC 2018
Graded with Magic Bullet Looks, Film Convert and Trapcode Shine
www.legendarymediahouse.com | Content Creation, Social Media Marketing, Events
www.atdavidlee.com | Documentaries & Short Films
Twitter: www.twitter.com/atdclee
By David C Lee
Sony A7RII
FJ 8543 VD