One day we struck the realisation that we know a bunch of people who have taken a big leap of faith and are pursuing some really cool dreams. So we decided that we would make a mini series of films that showcase their talents - The People Project.
Meet Tom, the woodworker.
We shot this film across a number of afternoons at the WKW workshop in Chichester, West Sussex. Tom’s work is awesome and we quickly realised that he’d be a good person to feature for Episode 02.
Tom //
Production Company: The Visuals Team //
Camera: Sam Johnson
Producer: Chloe Robinson
Music: ‘Warrior' - Soldier Story //
Mix Engineer: Greg McAllister
Shot on -
Sony A7Sii
PP: Cine 2 Cinema
Freefly MōVI M5
Graded in Film Convert Pro + DeLuts (James Miller)
© 2018 The Visuals Team. All Rights Reserved
By Sam Johnson
Sony A7Sii
FJ 8543 VD