Suzanne Mellott Photography - “Define”

In the Fall of 2014, my good friend and mega-talented photog, Suzanne Mellott, began chatting with me about developing a new kind of photography promo video, one that would not only offer a snapshot of Suzanne Mellott Photography as a business, but also expose and highlight the monumental right-of-passage that is "Senior Year." For Suzanne, rendering this short time in a young person's life, one still at a time, is her calling. For her seniors, it's all about testing the waters, breaking boundaries, and making some of the most important choices of one's young life. In essence, for those on both sides of the camera, senior year is all about the wonder inherent in a single bold challenge: Define Yourself.

By Edwin Koester

Sony A7S

KD P400 Ptra

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