Corbin, formerly known worldwide as Spooky Black, returns with a cinematic visual for “Hunker Down,” taken from his debut album Mourn. The forest is not only present, but central. Corbin is heading up north, to "where 61 touches the waterline," referencing the highway that traces Minnesota's arrowhead, along the western edge of Lake Superior. The woods are an escape, and it can be a crushing one. / NPR
While shot in two Wisconsin towns not far from Corbin’s home of St. Paul, the video could be seen as a personal one for director, Braden Lee as well. Not only did he write, produce, direct, shoot and edit the project in just three weeks, Lee also hails from Minnesota and, as he shared with us, the cement pouring scene was filmed in a quarry he “spent many summers as a kid.” / BOOOOOOOM
Think: wide shots of barren landscapes, close-ups of smoking Cadillacs, and a really really unnerving high pitched whine. And that's just the intro. Think also: a really good, slow, moody tune that'l
By Braden
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