Samaritan's Feet "Death Sentence"

This is a :60 TV commercial I color graded for Samaritan's Feet founder Manny Ohonme to highlight their new "World Shoe", a groundbreaking new advancement in medical and shoe technology. With built in microbials and anti-biotic properties, the World Shoe can heal the foot from infections stemmed by cuts... simply by wearing the shoe. Graded in DaVinci Resolve using FilmConvert.

Production Company: Westmoreland Films
Writer/Director: Mark Freiburger
Producer: Lisa Corum
DP: Brent Christy
Editor: Kali Bailey
Colorist: John Schroter
Composer: Hanan Townshend

By John Schroter

Arri Amira

KD 5207 Vis3

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