BMPCC -- Super Lentar 21mm, f/3.8 -- Houdini's House

278 West 113 Street is where Harry Houdini resided, just down the block from Morningside Park.

Who’s Afraid to Listen to Red, Black and Green by artist Kevin Beasley is a series of three installations, each featuring a color of the African-American flag. The “acoustic mirrors” were created out of red, black and green t-shirts cast in resin. The three installations are set high up within Morningside Park, on a landing best reached from 113th Street and Morningside Drive, a location for contemplation, conversation and planned performances.

This clip was captured with a Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera and a Sony PCM M-!0 hand held recorder. The 21mm Super Lentar lens was mounted to a Metabones Speed Booster. A 5 stop ND filter was used on several shots to allow a large iris.

By Steven Sclafani

Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera

FJ 8543 VD

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