John Muir - Coming Home

John Muir - Coming Home is a short film directed by Michael Coleman a Martinez, California native inspired by the writings of naturalist, author and early advocate of wilderness preservation John Muir.

Many of the locations featured in the film are authentic to Muir's life including his home in Martinez, California, northeast of Oakland and Muir Woods National Monument just north of San Francisco, California. Muir's original writings and books were shot at his home including the windmill that accompanies the 2,600-acre fruit orchard that surrounded his families property and John Muir's desk in the "Scribble Den".

Muir was perhaps this country's most famous and influential naturalist. If it weren't for John Muir and his writings, we probably would not have Yosemite National Park as we know it today. He was also involved in the creation of the Grand Canyon, Kings Canyon, Petrified Forest, and Mt. Rainier National Parks. Additionally, his writings about Alaska led to further preserv

By Michael Coleman

Sony FS7

KD P400 Ptra

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