Here we have a series of aerial shots done on a recent trip back to my tiny little caribbean island of Grenada also known as "Home". It was early morning, maybe 6/7am and i decided to venture to the near by beach called Grand Anse to test out my new drone. This was probably the 3rd time flying. All images captured with the drone and gopro hero 4. After sitting on the footage for a while i finally decided to use it to learn adobe premier pro and also dabble a bit with sfx and sound design. Also my first use of Filmconvert first time.So here is my first attempt at cutting in Premier Pro, sound design and my 3rd or so Drone flight.
DJI Phantom 2
GoPro 4
Adobe Premier Pro
Music licensed with Music Bed
Music " heartbeats by lights motion"
By algerson vincent
GoPro Hero 4
FJ 8543 VD