Up until a few ago, all that I knew about nurses was that they were nice people that worked in hospitals. Because I dislike nothing more than getting sick or injured I actively avoided hospitals, and thereby most nurses. This all changed when Texas A&M University's College of Nursing reached out to me about filming a promotional video showing why nurses are awesome, and more importantly, why Aggie nurses are the absolute best.
Since both my wife and I are Aggies, of course we jumped at the chance to revisit College Station, eat tacos at Fuego, and film something special for the College of Nursing. My fears of hospitals were put aside as we filmed nurses in training, forensic nurses, nurse classes, and even a flight nurse. Which means, you guessed it, I got to fly in a helicopter - EASILY one of the coolest things I've ever done.
Throughout it all, the students at the College of Nursing impressed both of us with their character, heart, and health knowledge. I'm not saying I want t
By Matt Johnson
Sony A7Sii
FJ SuperX 400