silent film documentary From Pakistan, This is the message for girls who have been tortured by “so called” lovers roaming around streets, to all the roadside Romeos that if a woman steps out of her house, it doesn’t mean that you own her. It doesn’t mean that she is trying to impress you. If you find her attractive, it doesn’t mean that she is now your property.
Those were the days when I was only 13 and afraid to go out of the house even with my family. I knew if I would step out and he would be standing right there to give me horrendous look. Who was he? I had no idea. He was a man of almost 25 who always welcomed me with a luring gaze. I was scared because I just didn’t want some stranger to stop me in the street, and it was the scariest moment for me when he stopped me. He claimed that he loved me and threatened that if I would reject his proposal he would make my life like a hell.
In those three years there wasn’t a single day when he was not in the street. After sharing the
By abid bin nazar
Sony fs7
FJ 8543 VD