Echoes from the Bad Old Days...

Dark scenes from NYC in the final days of Winter...

Filmed of several days in early March on Sony a7S to test 16mm film look. Glass was Canon 24-105mm F4 L IS and 35mm USM IS with Metabones Smart Adapter IV. Shot in S-Log/S-Gamut with FilmConvert FJ Velvia Color 100% Curve 100% Grain 50% + Gorilla Grain 16mm Medium Dirty at 60% applied in post.

Filmed entirely handheld at 3200 ISO with IS lenses.

"Martian Cowboy" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

By Colby Moore

Sony a7S

FJ Velvia Color 100% Curve 100% Grain 50%

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