Another Pizza, Another Chapter (Chapman Version) - Chapman University Dodge College 2016

Connecting my life back to a pizza was my concept for an application video to Chapman University's Dodge College of Film and Media Arts Fall 2016. Although I wish I had more time, this was the final version that was submitted in my art supplement.

Submit a self-introductory video essay (2 minutes max.) without appearing in the video in any way (including any photographs of yourself). The video should highlight something about yourself, your personality, or your interests not related to film. Your film should demonstrate your abilities in visual story-telling and creativity rather than technical abilities.

Directed By: Andrew Phan
Cinematography By: Andrew Phan & Marcus Soto
Written By: Andrew Phan
Edited By: Andrew Phan

We All Play A Part - Musicbed

Special Thanks To:
Pieology - Woodland Hills

The project was shot on a Sony A7S as well as a Canon 5D Mark III. Film Convert's Kodak Vision 3 5213 was applied to give a more cinematic look which o

By Andrew Phan

Sony A7S, Canon 5D Mark III

Kd 5213 Vis3

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