
shot and edited by Kirill Kripak
starring and written by Katia Kripak
music by Marie Hines - Perfect Kiss (we roll like madmen remix)

Shot with:
Sony a7R ii
Sony rx100 m4
Phantom 3 Pro
GoPro 4 Black

Shot in Goa, India
Edited in FCPX
Graded using FilmConvert

Film stocks:
FJ 8553 PT, FJ 8543 VD, KD P400 Ptra, KD 5270 Vis3


NO LIMITS by Katia Kripak

Beyond the sun and all its measureless light
There lies a stratosphere of dreams
And though some claim no wings could reach such winded heights
The ceiling bends her arms to anyone that undertakes to near it
And every crevice in your being, feels like its filling up with sky

Spinning circles round the sun and back again
We roam the forests of our minds, caution to the wind
And the old, worn road twists
Just like any decent plot

By Kirill Kripak

a7Rii, Phantom 3, Gopro 4 black, rx100 m4

FJ 8553 PT, FJ 8543 VD, KD P400 Ptra, KD 5270 Vis3

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