Maya Herman-Two Rooms MUSIC VIDEO--Color Grading // DaVinci Resolve // FilmConvert

This one is all about hipster culture. The narrative is people magically walking out of a dark room into various places- a trailer, a parking lot, a field, a city street. Color helped us define a location and time of day, from dawn to dusk, and differentiate between the different locations and storylines. The blacks are lifted, the shadows are tinted and grain is added to create an analog, warm feeling and the entire piece feels airy, organic and free flowing. Our references were the Instagram/VSCO esthetic- each scene was actually matched to a reference frame from the director’s Instagram feed, producing variety and color contrast between scenes, and eye-pleasing imagery. Each scene uses a complimentary color scheme- my favorite one being the royal violet/yellow of the field.
Shot on Sony F5, graded on DaVinci Resolve 10.

By Tom Bah

Sony F5

KD Vision 3 200T 5213, Fuji Vivid 8543

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