|| Recommended watching with headphones or good sound ||

NOSTALGIA is a collaborative film by Drew English, Michael Marantz and Tim Sessler, shot on the RED Epic Dragon Monochrome with the Freefly ALTA drone:

Read more about our experience and the shoot:
Behind The Scenes video:

Cinematography by Tim Sessler and Drew English
Directed and written by Michael Marantz and Tim Sessler
Produced by Brooklyn Aerials and Freefly Systems
Music by Michael Marantz
Voice Over by William "Opa" Chester
Special thanks to Jarred Land, RED Cinema Cameras, Freefly Systems, Tabb Firchau, Hugh Bell, the ALTA team, Tina Hammersmark, Michael Clarke, Loren Feinstein and the McKusick Family

By Tim Sessler

Monochrome RED Epic Dragon

KD T-Max 100

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