Sheridan Handcarvings // A Day in the Life / Filmconvert

A short profile for Stephen Sheridan Handcarvings

We spent a day with Stephen Sheridan in his woodwork shop in Gorey Co. Wexford. Stephen has been crafting and carving with wood for over 20 years and he wanted to visually document his work and processes for his own website. We thought that he was a perfect fit for a profile style short documentary instead of the usual talking head boring stuff. A Day in the Life, was the end result. We hope you like it.

Filmed on the Blackmagic URSA
Shot in 4k Pro Res HQ and downscaled to 1080p
Slo Mo shot at 80 fps
Edited and graded in FCP 7 and Resolve 11

Directed filmed and edited - Stuart Duff
Sound Recordist and focus puller - Mark Birney
Production Assistant - Vincent Duff
Lighting and Grip supplied by - Film Equipment Hire, Dublin
Featuring - Steph

By Stuart Duff

Blackmagic URSA

Kd 5213 Vis3

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