Oceans Apart - TTD recently had the opportunity to capture a stunning cinematic BTS experience for photographer Mark Sullivan (@public_img) and stylist Bonnie Macleod (@bonnie__macleod) aboard some fine Maritimo Luxury Motoryachts.
We set out at the break of dawn aboard the "Moon Shadow" and spent a day taking in the sun, the sights, and the creative vibes.
We're proud to present the final product, and can't be happier with the result!
shot & edited by: Steefan van Jaarsveld (http://treetrunkdigital.com.au) (instagram.com/treetrunkdigital)
agency: TreeTrunk Digital (http://treetrunkdigital.com.au) (instagram.com/treetrunkdigital)
music: "Counting" by Tapestry Tapes (https://tapestrytapes.bandcamp.com/)
management: Illuminate Management (instagram.com/illuminatemanagement)
photographer: Mark Sullivan (http://www.publicimg.com.au/) (instagram.com/public_img)
stylist: Bonnie Macleod (http://www.bonnie
By Steefan van Jaarsveld
Sony FS700 and Odyssey 7Q
KD 5207 Vis3