The Lights

This is a film for my family, The Deckers. Every Thanksgiving our family, all 23 of us, get together in Northern Pennsylvania and decorate my Grandparents house for the Christmas season. Their house is placed on a mountain side and is viewable from 81. At night it lights up the hill and is a sight for many people driving down the highway. People make the trip out just to see their house. Its always been a special part of my childhood and last year rather then helping with the lights I decided to film it all. I then sat down with my Poppy, Roland Decker, and recorded him telling me about how this all started, on my iPhone. As we all get older and life gets more hectic, looking back, I really cherish all the seasons where our whole family was able to gather together. This video is for them.

Edited/Graded in Premiere Pro using FilmConvert FJ 8543 VD

By roland bingaman

Sony FS700

FJ 8543 VD

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