Spanning One Hundred Years

Whanganui’s Dublin St. Bridge 2014 Celebrations feature in this film by Double Farley called Spanning One Hundred Years.
See Whanganui's vintage attractions coming together for a once in a lifetime event, the 100yr birthday of an iconic bridge in the town. Local councillors dressed in vintage costume and recreated the 1914 opening ceremony, including the current mayor, Annette, dressing as her historical male counterpart.
Historic cars, trams, river craft, and steam engines are enjoyed by crowds of locals and visitors. Were you there? Did you walk the bridge? Watch the film and see if you can spot yourself.
This film was publicly shown as part of the Whanganui Vintage Weekend celebrations at a free outdoor cinema screening on January 17th 2015. You can now watch the full film here for free.

Technical specs
Shot on BMPCC in ProRes422
Rough cut on Adobe Prelude CC
Assembly and fine edited on Adobe Prem

By Double Farley Creative Partners Limited

Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera

Ilford Delta 3200

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