S U B S C R I B E I'm releasing a Zombies Parkour video next week!
Breakdancing by OkWorldWide and Mr Sasha. Make sure to check out their youtube and Facebook pages!
Mr Sasha
Mostef BBOY
Check his links below
Keby Florin BBOY
Film by Ali Kubba from Alpha Creative Media
Filmed on Panasonic GH4 Glidecam HD2000
Edited by Ali Kubba using Premier Pro CC
Colour corrected using Film Convert
Make sure to subscribe and follow me for weekly videos
F A C E B O O K: https://www.facebook.com/thealphacreativemedia
T W I T T E R: http: https://www.twitter.com/ali_kubba1
I N S T A G R A M: https://instagram.com/alphacreativephotography/
Y O U T U B E: https://www.youtube.com/c/AlphaCreativeFilms
Business enquiries: ali@al
By Ali Kubba
GH4/Nikon D810
KD 5207 Vis3