Walk&Talk Azores 2015 Festival Memory 3

I did an artistic residence in Walk&Talk Azores 2015 public art festival and I was in charge of documenting/promoting the festival by creating short videos throughout the festival duration.

This is the sixth movie out of seven total! Featuring the following artists: Miguel Januário, Nuno Coelho, Nuno Neves, Serrote, Rodrigo Oliveira, Waterfalls, Dalila Gonçalves, Vasco Mourão, Freddy Sam, Christopher Derek Bruno, Julie Laurin.

Walk&Talk Azores was a great and fulfilling work/life experience and I would like to thank all the production team involved and obviously, the artists. Thank you!

Graded in FilmConvert.

By José

Sony A7S

FJ 8553 ET, FJ 8563 RL, FJ SuperX 400

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