Dueling Alphas - An Anamorphic Short Film - GH4 4K + Iscorama Anamorphic

Dueling Alphas is about two rivals. Both women are Alpha types - strong, determined, successful. One the Powerbroker, the other an Artist. They meet for their pool "match", but it's more about matching wits. Who will beat the other, in the match and their competition of life?

Justine Godfrey as Victoria
Julie Chu as Sam
Jalem Correia as Blaze
Also starring:
Eva Blacker as The Assitant
Sean Duggan as Richard

Directed by Orlando Benedicto
Screenplay by Orlando Benedicto and Justine Godfrey
Story by Sean Duggan and Orlando Benedicto
1st Assistant Director - Kevin Fujikawa
Assistant - Sean Duggan
Makeup Stylist - Toni P Farley
Hair Stylist - Mel Mariano
Wardrobe Stylists - Amy Azada and Jade Rabut
Sound Techs - Ajax Maharlika and Mel Mariano
Lighting Consultant - Eric Tagunya
Stand-in for Justine - Hannee Chong
Behind the Scenes

By Orlando Benedicto

Panasonic GH4

Fujifilm Provia 100

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