"The conversation is sharp. The honesty is raw. This isn't another informational video. This is bullying prevention like you've never seen it before."
Wow! The above statement hooked me instantly. Growing up, I'd certainly dealt with my fair share of bullying, as I'm sure most everyone has, but I'd always wondered what was at the heart of it. I was burdened by it. As an adult, I still am. Very simply, how can people be so unkind? The prospect of seeking an answer via filmmaking was incredibly enticing. Again, I was hooked.
In early 2015, writer/director/actor Ashley Shade shared her insightful play, "Catch," with me, and described a hugely ambitious educational campaign that would surround it. Her aim is to create a nationwide program designed to put teachers and students, young and old, bullies and bullied in the same space, eye-to-eye, in the hopes that digging deep will unearth a well of empathy and understanding. And, as just one small arm of the campaign, she wanted to turn the
By Edwin Koester
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