Danced and choreographed by Ana Parra
Filmed and edited by H. Paul Moon
Live Score (frame drums, didgeridoo, oven broiler) by Dale Lazar

See the expanded behind-the-scenes companion piece at http://vimeo.com/hpmoon/lazar of percussionist Dale Lazar live-scoring this film in four layers.

DANCER/CHOREOGRAPHER'S NOTES: An exploration of the unknown. A motif of playful innocence, confronting doubts and discovering limitations to find a level of freedom and comfort between the object and the self, like a child. // Explorar lo desconocido. Aproximarse desde la inocencia y el juego, dudando, buscando limites. Para acabar encontrando un lugar comun, un punto de confianza entre ambos libre y comodo.

TECHNICAL NOTES: Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera on Nebula 4000 Lite 3-axis gimbal stabilizer, and stationary Panasonic GH4 at the end. Graded with FilmConvert via Kodak Vision 3 5207 film stock emulation.

Filmed at Cape Charl

By H. Paul Moon

Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera (with Panasonic GH4)

KD 5207 Vis3

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