Part of the Colchester 60 Hour Film Festival. This film was written, shot, and edited within 60 hours.
Synopsis: George is sick of his stressful job and when he meets Karl, a dude living out of his van, he sees a new outlook on life.
Shot on Canon C300
Aspect Ratio 1.85:1
Sigma 18-35 f/1.8
Sigma 50mm f/1.4
1/8 Black Pro Mist
Music by Luke Imbusch
Edited in Premiere Pro CC
Graded with FilmConvert (Fuji Vivid 8543 35mm Stock)
VisionColor ImpulZ LUT (FujiColor 200 FC)
Team Name: Team RAMBO
Title: Home Town
Line: Where did she come from?
Action: Leans back on chair and topples over
By Kenneth Bauer
Canon C300
FJ 8543 VD