The Confession of Fred Krueger (2015) FilmConvert

Inspired by the motion picture “A Nightmare on Elm Street” written and directed by Wes Craven and produced by Robert Shaye and New Line Cinema (1984)
Also influenced by the short story “The Life and Death of Freddy Krueger” as written by Jeffrey Cooper.
In 1988 I became a major fan of Freddy and the Elm Street films. I was 12 years old and the series and story of Wes Craven’s boogeyman captured my imagination and inspired me. After reading “The Nightmare on Elm Street Companion” by Jeffrey Cooper, I had this image of the origin story of the character Craven had invented. For over 25 years I held out to see Hollywood bring the story of the Springwood Slasher to the big screen. But it never happened. While talking to some other fans one day I was told that I should write a script.
When I thought about a possible script I imagined what I most wanted to see Robert Englund do. I wanted to see him tell the story of Freddy. I wanted to see Englund

By David P Bonnell

black magic pocket

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