LABYRINTH OF EASE (Director's Cut) FilmConvert

A collaboration between Broadcast Media students and Contemporary Dance from LASALLE College of the Arts, Singapore.
Director | On Quan Dong
D.O.P | On Quan Dong
Producer | Cera Goh
Key Grip | Cera Goh - Koala Htet - Nadiah Norman
Choreographer | Neo Jialing
Starring | Neo Jialing
Art Director | Siti Aisyah
Boom Operator | Cera Goh
Sound Design | Nadiah Norman
Editing & Grade | On Quan Dong
Intro by Alt-J
Point Blank by Yeong Wook Jo
With Special Thanks to
Khalid Al Mkhlaafy | Melissa Quek | Aroozoo Wesley Leon

By Dong Wun

Canon EOS 5D Mark III

KD 5207 Vis3

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