Extension of the Soul - Isabel Kooring

Support Isabel her dream with a contribution to support her daily journey to school: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/fulfil-isabel-s-dancing-dream#/story

Isabel is four years old when she makes her first dance moves in her pink tights and leotard. From that moment on her days are filled with dance and ballet. Now, almost twelve years later, there is happiness but also a deeper desire to dance professionally one day.

Isabel is 15 years old and in the third year of HAVO/VWO for Music and Dance (HMD) Codarts in Rotterdam. In addition to her regular courses, she follows at least 20 hours of dance lessons per week. She works long days and so far, has travelled 3.5 times around the world by bus and train to her dance training already. And this is just the beginning.

Every morning at half past seven Isabel gets on the bus. That’s the beginning of her one and a half hour daily journey to Rotterdam. She works hard for her big dream every day!

By Edwin van der Sande

Sony FS700 shot on SLog2

KD 5207 Vis3

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