SONY a7s: 100FPS SKATES @ Bring Da Truckaz 2014

So I wanted to "field-test" the new Camera Cage for my Sony a7s and also do some more slog2 "overexposing" tests. With that "task" in mind i came a across a local Skateboard-Contest-Event (Bring Da Truckaz 2014), so i thought, well why not just test some 720p 100fps as well. Here is the result.

All slog2 (settings below) and a mix of 720p100, 1080p50 and some 1080p25 all in a 1080p25 Project (PremierePro CC 2014) mostly all like +1.0 or +2.0 "overexposed" (so to be more specific: between 1 or 2 stops EV based on the camera’s spot meter) like it was suggested by David Carstens (

Lenses used: Canon 24-105mm F4 (with the Commlite EF/NEX adapter), WalimexPro/Samyang 14mm T3.1 Cine FE

Color Grading was a basic layer of Colorista II to get exposure and contrast a lil bit more "natural" looking, then i used Film Convert with the ALEXA L

By Michael

Sony a7s, Sony FS7

FJ 8543 VD

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