This intro clip is an extract from 'Elision' (Drama, UK, 2014, 15'16"), a narrative short film co-produced, co-directed, shot, and edited by Christian Schmeer & Joe Mania. The film was shot using two Blackmagic Cinema Cameras, as well as a Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera and was colour graded using Kodak Vision 3 5207 and 5213 stock emulation through FilmConvert OFX for Davinci Resolve.
Synopsis: Nathan has his life structured and arranged just as he likes, yet he is lonely. Polly, a neighbour, is his ideal partner – sweet and affectionate, with a penchant for science and history. When Nathan realises she is not the woman he had imagined, he retreats from the overbearing truth of the situation.
By Christian Schmeer
Blackmagic Cinema Camera
KD 5207 Vis3