UjuShorts: Klemen Surk (FilmConvert entry)

Surf culture in Slovenia is still young and naive, but on the other hand true and hardcore as it gets. As inlanders, growing up close to the high mountains, we put our hearts and souls (and all the spare money) into getting our feet on some fiberglass... never to far, never to cold and never to crappy for a Slovenian waveglider...

Klemen Surk is one of the pioneers of Slovenian surf scene. He is one of the mellowest and modest guys I have had the pleasure to share some waves and surftripping moments with... a traveller, a soul surfer and all around good guy with a light social media addiction, this is Klemzy!

Filmed and edited by LegitFilms
Additional footage by Jure Novak and Minea Cekeliš Gavran
Photography by Katja Pokorn

Music by Trevor Burt

By Mitja Legat

Panasonic HPX250, Canon 60d

FJ 8543 VD

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