Night Journey - Mother's Day Special by @Uninexus Inc (Film Convert Competition)

A dangerous journey for one little girl ! Can she make it to the safety of her Mom's arms ?
Based on a Poem "Night Journey" - turn on English captions to follow along.
Thanks to Octavo Productions for the music and sound effects.

Thanks to Blackmagic Design for Davinci Resolve Lite 10 - Free ! It's an unbelievable value.
Used FilmConvert Plugin for Davinci Resolve - great add on !
Based on a Poem "Night Journey" - turn on English captions to follow along.

I lay in bed and try to sleep
I toss and turn and count the sheep
Out of the darkness dragons come
This is too much I'm coming Mom !

Across the river and deadly drop
I must go on I cannot stop !
Through ancient forests my path must lead,
And step by step on trembling feet...
I cautiously move alert and then...
Look into mirror's ghostly light

Reflecting terrors of the night !

I must be brave I'm almost there
(These river rocks give me a scare)
One reckless step missed by a hair
I fall in depth of my despair !

The shore awaits my

By Martin Hryniewiecki

Black Magic Pocket Cinema Camera

Kd 5213 Vis3

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