Man Made Nature (Film Convert)

A long time ago people had to adapt to survive in nature, now it's the other way round.

Pink Floyd - One of These Days

Panasonic GH4
Metabones EF Speedbooster
Sigma 18-35 f1.8 @ f2.0
Hoya Variable Density Filter

Camera Settings:
4K 25p
ISO 200
White Balance: Cloudy
Cinelike D: 0, -3, -5, -3, 0
Highlight -2, Shadow +2
Master Pedestal 0
Luminance Level 0-255
i.Dynamic & iResolution OFF

Color Grading Settings:
RGB Curves
Film Convert: Arri Alexa R709, FJ Velv 100 (100%, 100%, 60%)
Unsharp Mask

By Priit Palumaa

Panasonic GH4

Fuji Velvia 100

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