City by the Lake

A little short I made using the Sony a7S, using nothing but available light.

Captured internally using S-Log2 (for the night scenes) and Cine Gamma 4 w/S-Gamut color (for daytime).

Daylight scenes were shot using around ISO 100-200, while nighttime shots ranged from ISO 3,200-12,800. The low light sensitivity of this camera opens up new doors that were previously shut with other similarly sized camera platforms, and the results are pretty incredible. While I've found that the image tends to get a bit noisy in the dark areas around ISO 12,800 (for my taste), by throwing on your denoising plugin of choice, you can mostly be rid of digital noise and walk away with a clean and detailed image.

- 14mm T3.1, 24mm T1.5, 35mm T1.5 and 85mm T1.5 Rokinon Cine
- 28mm F2.8, 50mm F1.8 and 300mm F4 Nikon Nikkor
- Tiffen ND Filters
- Graded with FilmConvert & Colorista II

Song: "Silence of Siberia" by Lowercase Noises

By Austin Rink

Sony a7S

Fuji 8553 ET, Fuji 8543 ED, Fuji SuperX 400

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