New video for Ziyon "OIAM" (one in a million)
I Directed, DP'd, lit, operated, edited, composited, post FX and coloured the video, with assistance from my lovely wife Candice Lee Campos (She came up with the concept, assisted the shoot and the edit. She is amazing.)
All graded with FilmConvert in Premiere Pro CC 2014 (which is a first, as I usually use Resolve for colouring)
Colour shots using FilmConvert FJ 8553 ET
Black & white shots using FilmConvert IL D400
Shot Sony F5 with 2k OLPF (optical low pass filter)
Slog3 Sgamut3.cine
Nikon 17mm-55mm F2.8
By Justin Campos
Sony F5
FJ 8553 ET, IL D400