HOLLOKO is a Paloc ethnographic village in Hungary/Europe, part of the WORLD HERITAGE. It's name means 'RAVEN STONE' in Hungarian. The village considered the MOST photographed village in Hungary, located approximately 57 miles from Budapest, the capital of Hungary. This remarkable place has traditionally been in habited by PALOC people. PALOC speak an old dialect of Hungarian and have preserved their characteristic architecture and their fold costumes. Recognition of the cultural significance of the settlement was given in 1987 when Holloko was the first village in the WORLD to be added to UNESCO's world Heritage List. The village, which lies in a small valley, has burned down several times ( the last time was back in 1909 ) but each time the inhabitants rebuilt their houses in almost the same shape and forms. Of the nearly 60 houses around the originally 14 century wooden-towered church a museum village has been made. Several of the buildings, some of which have traditional carved woo
By zoltan boros
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