Short film created in 48 Hours...and we collapsed from exhaustion
You are given a prop, a line of dialogue and a title
Dialogue: If there's a wrong way to do it, that's the way it'll get done
Prop & Action: Headphones - we see a character remove headphone/earpiece
Optional Science Idea: It is confirmed that oceans once covered parts of Mars
Writer/Director: Lee Matthews
Actors: Jeff Prewer, Joanne Humphreys, Mark Beames, Ben Leung, Max
Music: Matt Brown & Neil Gould
Graded with FilmConvert
Short horror film inspired by the motion picture 'Creepshow'
A group of kids dare each other to face the legend of Mr Rickles, a cannibal miner who devours the flesh of anyone careless enough to wonder into his path
Produced by i'm with them productions
Graded with FilmConvert
Short fantasy film about a young girl in peril
Graded with FilmConvert
Director/Writer: Lee Matthews
Made with the FilmConvert software, The River to Hell is a 52' documentary about the french expedition on the Mekong River in 1866. Some re-enacting scene will be shot in January 2016 in Laos and Cambodia with actors, costumes and accessories
By remi morelJapanese Calligraphy by Michiko Imai ***
filmed by Louis Selvitella ***
music - Komoriuta Hensôkyoku
software: FCPX , Film Convert
Music video for Nick Black's, 'Waiting for Europa', from the album 'Godspeed'. Written and performed by Nick, and featuring Tessie Humble.
Video (initial concept, design, bluescreen shooting, modelling, texturing, lighting, rendering, VFX, compositing, editing etc) by Rory Mcleish.
Modo, Zbrush, After Effects ('Film Convert' plugin for grading), Photoshop and Premier.
An excerpt of a corporate video demonstrating the use of Film Convert in colour grading. Profile used FJ Ast 100
By Ali Kubba
Graded with film convert:
We shot this for our Young Adults launch meeting last night and it was muddy!
Thanks to Will for being so open!
Shot using a Canon 7D & 5D MK III the Sigma 30mm on the 7D and various lenses on the 5D. Edited using Premiere Pro and Film Convert.
This is a time lapse video about the Théâtre du Crochetan in Monthey, Switzerland.
Rise and Shine Films was commissioned to plan, shoot and post produce this film by the "Association Sans les Murs!" for their local cultural Festival "hik et nunk". The film premiered in Monthey in September 2014.
Music by Franco Mento:
Hyperlapse sequences by Marcel Rolli (studium punctum):
Hic et Nunc Festival:
Théâtre du Crochetan:
Shot on Canon 5D Mk III, 6D, 7D (all with Magic Lantern) and Sony FS700 (internally recorded), graded with SpeedGrade and FilmConvert.
Naomi & Gregs wedding at Pennard House in Somerset. A beautiful wedding to film on a perfect October day!
Music Licensed at The Music Bed.
Graded with Film Convert
Equipment Used:
Sony A7S x 2
Smart System Reflex Slider 560s
Glidecam HD 2000
Rode Mics
By Elliot MarenVoilà: The Trailer for an upcoming Gig in Lucerne @ The Blue Balls Festival
Shot with the Sony FS700
Color Grading with Impulz & Filmconvert
Production: Futu
Film by: Digital Amigos
Model:Oli Rudnicka.
Stylist: Zuzanna Kuczyńska
Music: Du:it
colours: filmconvert
This one is all about hipster culture. The narrative is people magically walking out of a dark room into various places- a trailer, a parking lot, a field, a city street. Color helped us define a location and time of day, from dawn to dusk, and differentiate between the different locations and storylines. The blacks are lifted, the shadows are tinted and grain is added to create an analog, warm feeling and the entire piece feels airy, organic and free flowing. Our references were the Instagram/VSCO esthetic- each scene was actually matched to a reference frame from the director’s Instagram feed, producing variety and color contrast between scenes, and eye-pleasing imagery. Each scene uses a complimentary color scheme- my favorite one being the royal violet/yellow of the field.
Shot on Sony F5, graded on DaVinci Resolve 10.
This video is very graphic in its use of color- the exterior night scenes, shot with available light on Tel Aviv, contrasted with the studio scenes, shot on a background of solid colors. The Colors of the various sets were shifted and graded to establish a complimentary color scheme (especially on the Blue-Orange axis), and the flares induced by the vintage anamorphic lenses were enhanced and simulated to match across scenes. Cutting between the colors adds punch to the piece, while the flares and digital re-lighting tie it together. The night shots were tracked and graded to direct the viewer's eye to the cyclist, and the wardrobe and props in each studio set were highlighted and refined. This one is all about fun!
Shot on Alexa XT with vintage KOWA Anamorphic lenses, graded on DaVinci Resolve 11.
Roger Wittwer zeigt uns seine Rösterei Kafischmitte ( und erzählt über guten Kaffee, fairen Handel und die Kunst des Röstens.
By Rise and Shine Films (
July 2015
Shot on Canon C100, cut and graded in Adobe Premiere Pro 2015 using Lumetri Color Panel and FilmConvert.
This music video has African roots- it was shot in an abandoned amusement park in the lowest point on Earth (The Dead Sea), in scorching heat. The use of color is both in controlling the harsh light and changing conditions, as well as in establishing the esthetics and vibe. Color even plays a rhythmic role here, in timed changes on beats- most work was done freestyle and jazzy, following the example of the music. The sun is prominent in setting the mood of this video, and everything is HOT! We went for a vintage, cross-processed look, with the heaviest grain we could muster, and some psychedelic color effects thrown in for good measure. The clean digital imagery was roughed-up to become as grungy and organic as possible, and the video is very high key, up to the point of over-exposure.
Shot on Sony F5
A New York trip with Manon Rilhac, Quentin Rilhac, Béatrice Rilhac Sené, Laurent Aubry, Elisabeth Aubry and Benjamin Aubry -
With Filmconvert
This video is an hommage to cinema- Bollywood meets Hollywood. The poor cleaner at the hairdresser’s meets the glamorous filmstar. His scene is emulating 50’s Indian and Arab films- faded, heavy grain, yellow highlights. When the woman of his dreams enters the barbershop, she brings with her a touch of Hollywood glamour- cinemascope, lush colors, and a remapping of the entire color palette- the RGB primaries become CMY, the fading effect is lifted, and the entire tonality emulates the classic film stocks of the 1950’s U.S. The color, in essence, is the story- painting the mundane reality in rich hues.
Shot on Sony F5, graded on DaVinci Resolve 10.
Keren Peles-Only God Will Judge Me MUSIC VIDEO
This music video was shot entirely in the studio. The various scenes are merely hinted in the props and styling, and color and contrast is used to differentiate between the various sets- the courthouse, the Sufi dancers, the tattoo parlor, the cool drummer-chick, the Indian bulbul tarang player. Color is contrasted with Black and White, cool is contrasted with warm, reds are contrasted with cyans and yellows, and each set maintains its own color palette. Essentially, it’s grunge rock meets the Orient- and it’s cool…
Shot on Sony F5 with Arri Shift & Tilt lenses, graded on DaVinci Resolve 11.
Video & Music
Ivan D'Antonio
Produced by
Filmed with Canon C100 mkII, Canon EFs 17-55mm F2.8 IS, Glidecam HD4000
Graded with FilmConvert and FCPX
Thanks to
Marilisa, Emanuele and Claudio
The aim of the piece is to show the intricacy, precision workmanship and thought that goes into manufacturing the designs of the COZÌ design partnership. Yuval and Ofir (the designers) took us with them behind the scenes, and the color highlights the textures, materials, tools and machinery used in the fabrication process. The use of FilmConvert gave us an organic look, emphasized textures and differentiated the warm wood and the cool metals. We also tried to add contrast and enhance the dramatic lighting, and showcase the final design in all its glory.
Shot on Sony FS7, graded on DaVinci Resolve 11.
Dedicated to football fans around the world!
This was shot on a DJI Phantom mounted GoPro shoot, during a 4-day road trip across Europe- from Barcelona, Spain, to Berlin, Germany, in anticipation of the 2015 Champions League finals. The use of color in this spot highlights the various countries, adverse weather conditions, times of day and climates that span the continent. Many effects were simulated in the color grading process- among them fog, sun flares and day-for-night. We looked for wide vistas, rich blues and greens and a sense of depth. Achieving variety was key, while also fighting the digital, over-sharpened look the GoPro often produces.
Shot on GoPro Hero3, graded on DaVinci Resolve 11.
This cosmetics company brand film called for delicate pastel colors, warmth and beauty, producing eye-catching imagery along the cyan-orange axis. The sun was either enhanced or added in post as veiling flares, as well as stock foreground elements. The make-up and skincare products were highlighted and kept true-to-form using actual product samples. We paid particular attention to skin tones across varied conditions- dawn, midday, evening and night, seeking a sophisticated urban lifestyle feel, and going for an airy, low-contrast look, with open shadows and diffused highlights.
Shot on Arri Amira with Ultra Prime lenses, color graded on DaVinci Resolve 11.
Director: Anders Hallberg.
Stylist: Simon Elmalem.
his is my entry for the Sony Professional competition. Find out more here:
Graded with FilmConvert
Cinematography : Yalım Akın - Filiz Akın
Editing : Yalım Akın
Naration : Kağan Uluca
Music : Empathy by A. Taylor
The Music Bed, LLC. (\
Mason's confrontation with a loved one, sends him down a history of a painful past. Edited w/ FCPX colored with FilmConvert
By Willie RobbinsAt 85 years old, organic raisin farmer and lifelong river advocate Walt Shubin is not slowing down. He has dedicated the last 65 years of his life to restoring California’s once-mighty San Joaquin River to the wild glory he remembers as a young boy. Driven by his passion for the river, and despite worn out knees and joints, he takes us on a journey to help us understand why this river is so important to all of us as well.
Learn more about the San Joaquin River and take action to restore its health at
Director: Justin Clifton
Editors: Chris Cresci & Justin Clifton
Cinematographer: Chris Cresci
Featuring: Walt Shubin
Location: Kerman, California
Abstract Aprils, The Weight of Familiarity
Blake Ewing, Ocean Run
Matthew Kidd, A Reflective Conversation in Bb
graded with FilmConvert.
2x Bodyboarding World Champion Amaury "Moz" Lavernhe explore Jawa Timur in the first chapter of the INDOMOZ series.
Shot on Sony camera and graded with FilmConvert Pro 2.1
This is a short narrative, with no dialogue, that I shot and edited in 5 hours during a trip in Seoul, Korea. The title of the short narrative is presented in Korean and English. 빌딩숲 translates as a forest of buildings. During the second day of my visit, I spent most of the day with little human interaction. I did this in order to intentionally drive my mental state (life condition) in to the composition of each scene.
While walking around Seoul, I was in awe of the dense and massive landscape. Skyscrapers endlessly filled my field of view. I felt as if I was in a dream world. The more I embraced my surrounds, the more I found myself seeking what was lacking.
Shot and edited: Christopher Stoffel
Location: Seoul, Korea
Music: Ayden Blackbird - A Life In The Stars (licensed through
Camera: Sony A7S
Lenses: Sigma 18-35mm f1.8, Sigma 24-105 f4
Filmconvert: Sony A7S Cine 2 - Cinema, FJ 8553 ET
Graded with a trial of FilmConvert.
By Gavin RayeThis motivational film titled "Moments", walks through the timelines of six people's lives. As the film describes, each day of our lives are filled with moments and it's up to us what we do with those experiences. Within that process, we have the ability to make decisions that can change our lives forever, both good and bad.
Graded with FilmConvert Pro (
Directed & Produced by: Tenth Floor Studios and Matthew Sharpe
Videography by: Matthew Sharpe & Josh Alvarez
Written by: Matthew Sharpe & Melissa Sharpe
Voice by: Harris III
Cameras: Nikon D750 & Canon 5D Mark II
Originally produced for the Pursuit Conference event at Gateway Church - October 2015.
Directcor/DP: Yoichi Sakai(HIGHLAND)
Still Photographer: Masahiro Nakano(LUCE)
Editor: Tatsuya Tachiai(HIGHLAND)
Planner: Hiromi Sato(THE FUJIYA GOHONJIN)
5D Mark Ⅲ, 24-105mm IS f4, Zeiss Jena 35mm f2.4
Zeiss Planer 50mm f1.4, Auto Nikkor 85mm f1.8
Director/DP: Yoichi Sakai (HIGHLAND)
Canon 5D MarkⅢ, 60D, 24-105mm f4, Zeiss Jena 35mm f2.4
Zeiss Planer 50mm f1.4, Zeiss Planer 85mm f1.8, 10-18mm f3.5-5.6
We are Tokyo, Japan bases only made to order creative
photo & cinema team. We will go everywhere in the world from Tokyo.
Feel free to email us.
Director: TangYuHan
P.D/EDIT:Tang YuHan
Equipment:kinefinity kinemini4k
FilmConvert:Kodak Vision 3 5213
Country Groups:1013studio
Address:XingShaCounty ChangSha HuNan China
The atmosphere of this isolated city is degraded, when the shadow government seed the clouds causing a black to fall and envelope the metropolis.
By Dick Sweeney5D Mark Ⅲ, 6D, 60D
24-105mm f4 IS,
70-200mm f4 IS
ZEISS JENA 35mm f2.4
CONTAX ZEISS 50mm f1.4
CONTAX ZEISS 85mm f1.4
Konova Slider, Glidecam HD2000
Assistant Camera: Tatsuya Tachiai
Mami Hinaiji (HIGHLAND)
Director/DP: Yoichi Sakai (HIGHLAND)
We are Tokyo, Japan bases only made to order creative
photo & cinema team. We will go everywhere in the world from Tokyo.
Feel free to email us.
TITULO: Lapse Cortometraje
Tiempo: 2:14
Director y Productor: Jaime Mendoza
Small thing about Singapore bring her to her childhood with her dance.
colorgrading: FILMCONVERT
With Dex C.
Shot, directed, edited, and color-graded by Adevar (Voljox Studio)
Song: "Un Soir Romantique " by Renatus Cartesius (using Creative Commons at
Voljox Studio - 2014
A film graded with FilmConvert about a retired judge who receives a visit from someone from his past.
By Vincent MazzaraWorld's first E-M5 MarkⅡ movie work.
All shot by E-M5 MarkⅡ with 5-axis stabilization hand-held.
We used two lens,
More info(Japanese)
More info(English)
We are Tokyo, Japan bases only made to order creative
photo & cinema team. We will go everywhere in the world from Tokyo.
Feel free to email us.
Team Staff
Production Manager: Lisa Aihara(HIGHLAND)
Los Angeles Coordinator: Fuyuki Hamaguchi
Coordinator: Jennifer
Editor: TKJ
Colorist: Yosuke Asada
Hair & Make Up: Naoho Shima
Assistant Camera/B-roll: Mami Hinaiji(HIGHLAND)
Director/DP: Yoichi Sakai(HIG
Two character from professional model Victoria Grace Roughton.
shot entirely using 14bit raw file Magic lantern on Canon 5d Mark II
colorgrade with FILMCONVERT
Shot, directed, edited, and color-graded by Losnojos
Song: "Terminal C" by mark nine (common creative from & "17202" by Tumbled sea (for non commercial and education purpose)
@Losnojos - 2015
"Five Armies" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Graded using FilmConvert.
Edited in FCPX
Color Graded in FCPX utilizing FilmConvert KD 5207 Vis3 and FJNeo
Grain was graded separately in some shots in order the accentuate texture
Shot on GH4, graded with the FJ H160s Pro stock in FilmConvert
By ryanA short portrait documentary featuring my grandad.
Filmed & edited by Josh Cable.
Shot on the Sony a7s. Graded with FilmConvert & Deluts
Chaos2Love Productions presents Sergei the Russian Cat!
(colored with FilmConvert)
Sergei is a family pet (Russian Blue Cat) who thinks he is a KGB agent. He now finds himself as a \
Film Convert Color Up Film Competition 2015
By Joel LeangThe Smokin' B3s covering the Ray Charles hit song "What'd I Say".
Filmed with
Sony A7s
Rokinon Cine DS 24mm, 85mm
Graded with Filmconvert