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Juelz On The Beat Mini Doc. (FILM CONVERT)

Juelz On The Beat Mini Doc. (COMPLETE)

By Serge Taveras
Sony NEX 5, Varied. I used different stocks especially around 6:11
Michael Montero: A Trumpeter (FILM CONVERT)

This is a brief overview run and gun style Mini-mentory study on teenage musician Michael Montero. Best if watch in HD in full screen since You Tube adds black bars on the aspect ratio. Shot on a Sony NEX 5 and Film Convert. Serge Taveras Jack Of All Trades Jonny Peña B-Camera Casey Brown Interviewer

By Serge Taveras
550d, KD 5207 Vis3
No Mans Land (Film Convert Test)

Went out and filmed my brother dicking about in a field due to boredom and the need for fresh air.

The local park is called no mans land, and the sun was quite beautiful.
Shot on my trusty 550d


'Little Army' by Sea Oleena

The light leaks used in this video can be found here:

By Andrew Clunie
Canon 5D Markiii, GoPro Hero 3 Black Edition, FJ 8543 VD, FJ SuperX400, KS5207 Vis3, FJ8553 ET
OBX (FilmConvert Demonstration)

This project was created as a demonstration of FilmConvert software. The software does an amazing job of emulation not only of film grain, but also the film stocks colorimetry. What makes it even richer is that the emulation is also based on the color profile of the aquisition device. This allowed me to use 4 different "film stocks" - giving me greater artistic control over the final look and feel of the finished piece. Very cool.

About the setting:
OBX is the abbreviation given to North Carolina's Outer Banks. Here in the states, the abbreviation has appeared as bumper stickers on cars. I recently spent a couple of weeks on the Outer Banks. I had forgotten what an amazing beautiful place it is.

• FilmConvert (FJ 8543 VD, FJ SuperX400, KS5207 Vis3, FJ8553 ET)
• Adobe Premiere CC

• Canon 5d Mark iii
• GoPro Hero 3, Black Edition

By Marty Hardin
Lumix GH2, FJ 8553 ET
A Boy and His Bike

Submission for Film Converts 2013 competition

By Tommy Davis
Canon C100 w/ Atomos Ninja, Kd 5213 Vis3
ZED - Please - Music Video Filmconvert

Artist: ZED
Album: Desperation Blues
Track: Please
Director: Paul Aspuria
Production Company: Film Antics

Band Links:

Production Company:

By Paul Aspuria
Canon C100 w/ Atomos Ninja, KD 5207 Vis3
The Trophy Fire - Spinning - Music Video Filmconvert

Artist: The Trophy Fire
Album: Direction For Daylight
Track: Spinning
Director: Paul Aspuria
Production Company: Film Antics

By Paul Aspuria
Canon 7D, FJ 8553 ET
Keyo y Yako ft Gary - Se te nota (Official Video) - FilmConvert

QuackStudios© - FilmConvert FB page: Directed / Produced by Benjamin Villacrez Download Song: Keyo - FB page Gary - FB page Yako - FB page Contact us:

By Benjamin Villacrez
Canon 7D, FJ 8553 ET
Music Video Production - QuackStudios Miami FilmConvert

QuackStudios© - Directed by Benjamin Villacrez

By Benjamin Villacrez
Canon 7d, Kd 5213 Vis3
John Sanders Is Seagull Man - FilmConvert competition entry

Competition entry for the FilmConvert challenge, using a trial version of the software.

Stock used:
KD 5213 Vis3
35mm full frame
Color 100
Grain 125

Shot on Canon 7d

By Liam Southall
BMCC EF, FJ SuperX 400
Lumsden Wedding - BMCC & Filmconvert

Congratulations to the happy couple. Filmed on 7/21/13. Shot with the Blackmagic Cinema Camera in ProRes with Sigma 17-50 f2.8 lens. Graded with Filmconvert with FJ SuperX 400 stock.

By Justin Hearn
Canon C100, FJ H400 Pro
Dev+Maz :: Dreams in Motion :: Film Convert

Dev+Maz Pre-Wedding Video. Read the accompanying blog post:

Filmed By:

Music (used with permission):
Tyrone Wells - Beautiful Place To Be

By Peter Georges
Canon 5D MkIII, FJ Neo
Solitude (FilmConvert Grade)

The story of a lone young woman, getting home from work, keeping herself occupied, going for a walk, waiting for that text or call.

With special thanks to Samuela Memmo

Cinematography & Editing by Edmond Terakopian


Astor Piazzolla - Milonga sin palabras
Original Arrangement by Enrico Blatti
Bandoneon Marcelo Nisinman
Blue Chamber Orchestra
Tactus Fugit 2000


Las Cosas (Things) by Jorge Louis Borges (translated into English)


Canon 5D MkII with Canon lenses

Tripod by Manfrotto

Microphone by Rode

Edited using FCP 7 & FCP X. Final grading on Film Convert

A re-edit of footage originally used in my award winning short film Muse:

©Edmond Terakopian /

By Edmond Terakopian
Panasonic GH3 & Nikon D7000, KD 5207 Vis3
Bachata Rosa 'FilmConvert'

Collaboration work with videographer Sergey Bogdanov.Screenplay buy Inna Khromykh.Shooting done in Vladivostok. A smalll story - Bachcata Rosa

By Sergey
Canon 5d Mark 3 with Atomos Samurai, Various
CADILLAC BLUE - Bring It On - (Official Music Video) - Dir Gene Greenwood -Film Convert

CADILLAC BLUE - Bring It On - (Official Music Video) - Dir Gene Greenwood

By Gene Greenwood
Canon 7D, KD 5207 Vis3
City Series: San Francisco

The second in a series of city symphonies. First, New York ( Third, Seattle ( Next, Valparaiso, Chile, coming August 31st.

"In the the 1920s the movies were still relatively young, and an evolving modernist aesthetic embraced all things new, sleek, fast, and urban. Not surprisingly, a common focus of the cinematic avant-garde during this era was on the power, and excitement of cities. In both Europe and the US, a small genre of films that became know as 'city symphonies' attempted to capture the spirit, uniqueness, and poetry of a city by assembling images of everyday life in that city. These early films and their offsprings often utilized what film historian Bill Nichols has termed the 'poetic mode' of documentary film production--an attempt to move away from the 'objective' reality of a given situation or people in order to grasp at an inner 'truth' that can only be conveyed by poetical manipulations of mood, tone, time,

By Miles Crist
GoPro Hero 3, FJ 8543 VD
Transformations FilmConvert

Entry for FilmConvert competition

Film stock: Fuji 8543 VD

Music Credits: Fabrizio Paterlini - Veloma (Creative Commons License)

By Manuel
Canon 600d/7d, Fuji 8553 ET/Fuji 8543 VD
The Strength To Persevere

How do you maintain the strength to persevere when everything seems to go wrong? Michael Cunningham gives you his story. This is the first documentary covering a man who some look at as a legend in the metropolitan Detroit area. See how he arrived to where he is now, and the obstacles that he had to overcome at such a young age. With the help of siblings, a stern grandmother, and a little bit of grace he was able to find the strength to persevere.

Directed By: Zachary Cunningham
Second Camera/BTS: LaToya Colts (LADECO)
Music By: Marlin Jones
Edit/Grade/Produced By: Zachary Cunningham

Shot with: Canon 600d and 60d
Canon 40mm 2.8 and 50 1.8/ Rokinon 85mm 1.4, 14mm 2.8

By Zachary Cunningham
Canon 5d III, FJ Velv 100
Neel & Reena /// Wedding Celebration /// Sacramento, CA (FilmConvert)

Blog post coming up: Webiste: Music licensed by Song Freedom

By Victor Mihalchuk
The Portrait - Alt. Opening Scene | Graded with Filmconvert

Alternative opening music by Chris Bradley, voiceover omitted.
Short film "The Portrait" by Anastasia Starova and Igor Ryabchuk.

By Igor Ryabchuk
Nikon D5200, KD 5207 Vis3
Waterfall Slow Motion - FilmConvert

By Anand Vyas
Canon 5D MarkIII, KD 5207 Vis3
Subsistence (A Zombie Life) //FilmConvert//

Written, shot, and cut in 4 days. Finished and graded using FilmConvert for their cinematography competition.

By Lester Miyashiro
Canon C100, Kd 5213 Vis3
Soulstice :: Dreams in Motion :: FilmConvert

Dreams in Motion takes you backstage during Sydney's first ever live soul music and fashion event.

Read the blog post:

Filmed By:

By Peter Georges
Canon 550D, FJ 8563 RL
Girl from the village (Film Convert)

By Nikolay Rusenov
panasonic gh3, FJ 8553 ET
CSADD "Vendapalooza" // FILMCONVERT

Camera : Panasonic GH3
Lens : Panasonic LEICA DG Summilux 25mm f1.4
Filter : Tiffen Soft FX 3
Grain : Film Convert (super 16mm grain. The panasonic gh3's size is remarkably close to a super 16mm camera)
LUT : m31
Color Correction : Colorista ii

A video I shot for the US Navy's CSADD (committee of sailors against destructive decisions). I was also testing the Panasonic GH3's auto focus and exposure mode. Yes the whole video was shot on auto ! Im AMAZED at the results !

By Adisa Sobers
panasonic gh3, FJ 8553 ET
US Navy CSADD Waterbaloon Dodgeball Tournament // FILMCONVERT

Recap of the US Navy's CSADD water balloon dodgeball tournament at Pensacola Beach's Naval Air Training Center (NATTC). The marines joined us for the event and we all had a blast !

Camera : Panasonic GH3
Lenses : Jupiter 9 85mm, Super Takumar 50mm
Filter : Tiffen Soft FX 2 & 3
Grain : FilmConvert
Lut : VisionColor m31

By Adisa Sobers
Black Magic Cinema Camera, Fuji SuperX 400
Starting Point: The Series -- Teaser (graded with FilmConvert)

Produced by North Point Media for Andy Stanley's new series, 'Starting Point'.

Story & Executive Producer: Brad Bretz
Producer & Director: Emily Beach
Director of Photography: Andy Waddell
Editors: Brad Bretz & Matt Golden
Color & Finishing: Andy Waddell
Audio Post: JJ Brummett


Copyright 2013 North Point Ministries

By Andy Waddell
Leica M (Type 240), Kd 5213 Vis3
Electric Coffee Company (FilmConvert Grade)

The story of the Electric Coffee Company ( ) in Ealing, London; its refurbishment, its re-opening, its coffee and the importance of community and the individuality of shops and cafes.

Shot entirely on the Leica M (Type 240) using a Leica 28mm Summicron ASPH, 35mm Summilux ASPH FLE and 50mm Noctilux ASPH, with some shots using a Leica OUFRO macro adapter. Ambient audio recorded on the internal microphone and interview recorded on a Roland R26 using a Rode lavalier microphone. Edited using FCP X. Partially colour graded in "Color" by Neil Patience ( ). Final grading with FCP X and Film Convert. A Manfrotto 561BHDV video monopod was used for all shots apart from the interview, for which a Gitzo video tripod was used. I also used a Lee RF75 filter holder & hood, along with Lee ND filters.

By Edmond Terakopian
Canon T3i, KD TMx 100
El Metro : Condenado Amor (FilmConvert)

Direccion: Ambiorix Martinez
Edicion: blackdesignstudios
Camaras: Ambiorix Martinez, Jenmarie Bordas y Margaux Joffe
Album: Woohoo Ep
Music & lyrics: Ambiorix Martínez
guitarras: Yasser Tejeda
bass: David Vásquez
programación & keyboards: Ambiorix Martinez
Voz: Jenmarie Bordas
coros: Jeimy Peña
Sampled Voice : Mariela Duarte
poem: Amelia Simone
(from the book "Contagious Acts of Freedom")
Mezcla: Arturo Piña
Masterizado por: Max Audio

By Ambiorix Martinez
Canon 5D MarkIII, FJ 8543 VD
Fourbarrel Coffee colored with FilmConvert

By Marat Shaya
5Dmk3, 7D, Polaroid 600
120 Notes - colored with FilmConvert

Originally a concept for a "60 Seconds" project - where 1 second is 1 shot . It evolved into 100 Seconds (I liked the number over sixty), but I couldn't find music that I liked at 1 second intervals. 100 Seconds became 100 Notes, but in this particular piece there are 121 notes, but with 120 with Marg and 1 of black at the beginning.

I'd been trying to get this project done since before the summer started, but I could never get it to work, or really look, the way I wanted it to, after three different shoots.

Randomly saw a Philip Bloom ( blog about FilmConvert (, and decided to give the demo a try. I really liked it, and decided to work it into this 120 Notes project.

I completely reworked the sequence shots from my earlier attempts, and decided on the Polaroid 600 film emulation.

FilmConvert plugin (via
Music: A Boy

By matt wolfe
Canon 5D Mark III, FJ Prov 100
Het portret van een vechter

Een samenvatting van alle wedstrijden komen binnenkort op:

By Sinan alabay
Canon C100, KD 5207 Vis 3, Fuji 8553 ET
The Quiet Ones - E.K.G. (FilmConvert)

From The Quiet Ones forthcoming album Molt in Moments

Director : Ian Knippel
DP/Editing : Ian Knippel
Production Assistant : Cameron Smith
Props: Allison Bretz
Featuring Jorge Tovar Jr. as Mr. Manager
Color Graded with
Format : C100

By Ian
5dmkIII, KD TMx 100
The Art of Mowing FilmConvert

Entry to FilmConvert Competition

Slight tongue in cheek result of filming your Dad mowing the law.

Been using filmconvert plugin a lot recently, and really liking it. Thought I'd try one of the B&W film stocks for fun.

Shot on 5dmkIII and 24-105mm F4/L

By Jonathan J Scott
Canon EOS 600D, KD P400, FJ Prov 100, FJ SperX400, FJ8543
I see you move - Film Convert

There is no story and script. It is a collage of of how we move, in different medium, in different places across the world.

Shot on Canon EOS 600D, graded in Film Convert Pro and edited in Final Cut Pro X.

By Shantanu Sinha
Canon 5D Mk II, FJ Neo
COPE - Official Short Film Teaser [FilmConvert]

A B+W re-grade using Film Convert.

By Bryce Drobny
Panasonic AG-AF100, Fuji Prov 100
"Six"-- FilmConvert Competetion

This is footage from "Six" an independent production currently in uncertainty. Using FilmConvert Premiere we emulated a Panasonic AF100 sensor to that of a FJ prov 100. Footage is property of FoxFury Film LLC

By Brian Foxworth
550d, FJ SuperX 400
Journey to Karpaty, Ukraine (FilmConvert)

Shot during our journey to Karpaty, Ukraine. All shots were handheld. Some parts of the footage may be shacky (because of bad road situation in Ukraine and crop factor). The natural look of Karpaty mountains is still gorgeous.
Edited in Premiere Pro CS6, than graded with FilmConvert plugin for PP (FJ SuperX 400, Color 100%, Grain 50%) and sharpned up. Shot on 550d with 50 mm f/1.8, Samyang 14 mm f/2.8. I was using auto WB, standard picture profile. Also, i was using Magic lantern to get more bitrate. So thank you Magic Lantern team for that possibility
Music presented by MusicBed (

Follow me on:,

By Alex Tybin
Canon 550D, Plrd 600
Wedding - Miglena i Georgii ( FilmConvert )

Camera - Canon 550D Software - Adobe Premiere CS6, FilmConvert Pro plug-in.

By Nikolay Rusenov
Lumix GH3, KD 5207 Vis3
Ad Libris - The Art of binding (FilmConvert)

Camera : Lumix GH3 & Leica R lenses (Elmarit 24mm f2.8, Summicron 50mm f2, Elmarit 90mm f2.8).
Editing : Adobe Premiere Pro
GRading : FilmConvert

Prior to being a source of knowledge and emotions for those who will read it, the book is only a pile of leaves, which will find its final shape in the hands of the bookbinder, whose art convenes the needle's tip, paper's rustling and smells of leathers.


Avant d'être une source de savoir et d'émotions pour celui qui le lira, le livre n'est d'abord qu'un tas de feuilles, qui ne trouvera sa forme pérenne qu'entre les mains du relieur, dont l'art convoque la pointe de l'aiguille, le frémissement du papier et les odeurs de cuirs.

Hier lectrice, aujourd'hui relieuse et restauratrice de livres anciens, Frédérique Navereau a décidé de se mettre au service de l'objet livre, en lui dédiant sa vie professionnelle.
A travers ce film, j'ai voulu tém

nex-vg10, fj 8563 rl
FilmConvert 02

By Gerardo Campos
HVR-Z7 + letus 35 extreme, FJ 8553 ET
FilmConvert muerte de Othelo

By Gerardo Campos
5D Mark III, KD V3
5D Mark III Magic Lantern Raw Video

On our road trip from NYC to LA we drove through Texas and stopped to test our Magic Lantern Firmware for the 5D Mark III at an abandoned rest area. Images were graded and some film stock was used using Film Convert, and excellent product. We decided to use it as our entry for their clip competition. Watch in 1080p!

By Ian Feiner
RED One MX, KD 5207 Vis3
A Riehl Blacksmith

Sam Riehl, the youngest professionally operating blacksmith in Louisiana, breathes new life into an old profession, infusing form and function through metal arts.

Directed, edited, and shot by Brennan Robideaux

Music: "Retrospect" by Chapters of Eight - (check them out!)

Photography by Malarie Zaunbrecher

By Brennan Robideaux
5D MarkIII, KD 5207 Vis3

Sound by Hecq (Typhon+The Descent+Dis+Bending Time)

By Isaac Viejo
Red One MX, Various through the video cuts
Robyn and Ryleigh - " Just Another Sundown " - (Official Music Video) - Directed by Gene Greenwood - Film convert

Robyn and Ryleigh - " Just Another Sundown " - (Official Music Video) - Directed by Gene Greenwood

Production: Farting Puppy Productions
Producer: Paul Shatto
Director: Gene Greenwood
DOP: Gabriel Medina
Camera: Guille Ålverez
Editor: Gene Greenwood
Shot on a Redcam Epic in 5k with Zeiss and RedOne Primes

Support this artist by purchasing the single on iTunes.

Special thank-you list:
David Wills, Tyson Mayr, Elijah Mayr, Clyde Harrelson, Lena Vinogradova, Brianna Errelat, Trevor Sarginson, Kathy Gillespie, Reg Gillespie, Tim Steinruck, Bryson Boulet, Jenna Paterson, John Bevis, Jonathan Fluevog, Amber Carroll, JL Model Talent Mngmt, Ran Kuboyama, Mark Jarder, Aaron Wills, Jasper Anson.

By Gene Greenwood
Panasonic GH2 hacked, FJ 8543 VD
The Battle of Hastings - 1066 - FilmConvert

The Norman defeat of King Harold's army would change the course of English history in a profound way... a fusion of Norman-French and Anglo-Saxon culture and language.

By David Doré
Canon 550D, FJ SuperX 400
Sleep Fighter (FilmConvert)

There’s nothing like a day at the beach. Sun, sea and sleeping people with their wallets sticking out their pockets. Remy isn’t one to turn down an easy mark but what if the mark isn’t as easy as they appear? This man is not sleeping peacefully. This man is THE SLEEP FIGHTER!

By Bjorn Tobiasson
60D 5D 7D 600D, FJ VELV 100
NDAY Zone of Comfort with Orchestra (edited with film convert PRO)

By Evgeniy Shkolenko
Canon Kiss X4 (550D), FJ Neo
????????? // Rival Lovers UCUT #L (The video title needs to contain the word 'FilmConvert')

By Dmitri Novikov