A short video shot on the trip to Hallendale beach and Everglade National Park.
Music- DUSK by Evan Duffy
By Marios Kleanthous(If playback stutters, click 'HD' to watch the non HD version, and wait for grey bar to fill up all the way before playing)
Shot on Canon C100
Graded with Film Convert
May be it was their love, may be it was the fun loving family & friends, may be it was the beautiful weather; I do not know but there was something special about Ketti & Arpit's wedding day. I am saying this because I had lots of energy when we starting shooting at 5.30AM and I had same energy when we stopped shooting at 12.00AM. I show three things on that day around me: Love, Fun and Energy. This wedding is the perfect example of why we love to do Indian Wedding Cinematography.
When I talked to Ketti first time, I could here in her voice that it is going to be something different and challenging. Ketti & Arpit wanted something different for their SDE (Same Day Highlights) so we decided to do short shoot prior to the wedding day. They both are all about fun and that is what we tried to capture in the pre-wedding shoot using various props. All the credit goes to Ketti for selecting beautiful song for the highlights. We have done many SDE in past but this was the only ti
Took these two aside from the hectic party the night before their wedding to give them one last moment to relax before their big day.
graded using Film Convert Color Grading Software.
Camera: Sony NEX FS700
Edited in Adobe Premiere Pro CC using Film Convert Color Grading Software
A young Man recalls to his Youth Pastor a time when he reluctantly witnessed to someone at a hair salon and failed. STARRING: Jimmy McMillan Micky Halliday Catherine Stewart George Burns Graded using Film Convert Pro
By James BurnsGoldfield, Arizona 1983. Young rancher Clay Cain has been arrested for the murder of Luke Owens, a shady card player, who cheated Clay's senile father of the Cain Family Ranch in an all-in hand of poker. Clay grabs a handful of dirt as he is took to the town jail. There he stares at all he has left, his land.
Meanwhile Pops (played by the late Terry Bowker) must convince his grandson Jeremiah that hate can lead you head-first down a long road of heartache to find yourself left with nothing but a handful of dirt.
Open Hands is an ambitious, action packed short film made by the youth of New Life Full Gospel Fellowship Church in Mesa Arizona.
Mickey Halliday, Catherine Stewart, "Tall" George McMillan, Jimmy McMillan, Joe Halliday, Terry Bowker, Billy Willson, P.H. Baker, Nelson McMillan, Hughie Stewart, Mary Donahue, Mary D Burns, John Al McMillan, Jimmy McMillan Sr.
Shot on a Canon T3i
Edited with Adobe P
The ‘Art of Making’ series aspires to display and highlight certain people, which go against the spirit of today’s pessimism and desperation. They dare to dream and create with zeal and imagination. Armed with passion for knowledge and emotion, they attempt to combine the precision of science with the elegance and resourcefulness of art. We thank them wholeheartedly for their contribution.
directed / edited / vfx - Dimitris Ladopoulos, Spiros Rasidakis
director of photography - Nikos Mexis
sound design - Nikos Tsines
music - The Three Corners of the Earth, The Fire Shall Devour Us
(shot using available light, with Canon 5D+7D, edited in Final Cut Pro X, tracked with PFTrack, composited in After Effects and FilmConverted)
Serrats, art in the elaboration of handmade preserves
Software - After Effects, FilmConvert
Pieces of wood, love, knowledge and 299 hours of work, condensed in a 3 minute film.
The ‘Art of Making’ series aspires to display and highlight people who go against the spirit of today’s pessimism and desperation. They dare to dream and create with zeal and imagination. Armed with passion for knowledge and emotion, they attempt to combine the precision of science with the elegance and resourcefulness of art. We thank them wholeheartedly for their contribution.
Directed & VFX - Spiros Rasidakis, Dimitris Ladopoulos
Director of photography - Nikos Mexis
Editing - Yiannis Kostavaras
Sound design - Nikos Tsines
Guitarist & composer - Edsart Udo De Haes www.edsartudodehaes.nl
Guitar maker - Vassilis Lazarides www.lazaridesguitars.com
Software - After Effects, FilmConvert
visit film page www.theartofmaking.eu
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
My first real test with my canon 5D MKII in magic lantern RAW video. Shot during my trip to Charlevoix region in Quebec , Canada.
There is so many possibilities with colours when shooting RAW, it's just beautiful.
Graded in Davinci Resolve And Filmconvert
When is reality TV too real?
A short Sci-Fi drama created Independently with an extremely low-budget.
Directed By: Ibrahim Hodroj
Original Screenplay By: Chris Ossman
Adapted Screenplay: Yehia Rashid
Produced By: Ibrahim Hodroj
Director Of Photography: Adham Zahran - Ibrahim Hodroj
Edited By: Ibrahim Hodroj
Music By: Lost Harmonies
Sound Recording By: Ziad Ahmed
Prop Maker: Ziad Ahmed
Grading Plugins : Lut Buddy & Film Convert
Dirigido por Xabier Elkorobarrutia ( Txabi )
Idea original de THE FRIKI KINGS BAND
Canon 5D Mark III
Adobe Premiere
Davinci Resolve
Sun Chasers is a short film I made on a Sunday afternoon with breakdancers Preston Kyd & Tarquin Samuels, and is one many "just for fun" videos I will be uploading on my personal channel from now on.
The title is derived from the fact that we were chasing the sun, rushing from location to location, trying to shoot after the harsh sunlight faded and just before the sun set. We filmed around various locations of our hometown in Durban, South Africa.
Breakdance is a beautiful form of expression, there is something captivating and unreal about being in mid air for just over 1 second, whether you're the dancer or the viewer, you
can't help but say "Wow."
I aimed to prolong that "Wow" moment with the use of super slow motion. I hope you enjoy watching this and this if you have any technical questions, just leave a comment!
The track, used with kind permission, is Katy B - 5AM (Sketchy Bongo Remix)
https://www.facebook.com/fameandflameofficial http://www.fameandflame.com/ directed by : Robert Hedzet d.o.p : Crt Erjavec make-up & costumography : Petra Fröhlich editing : Fame & Flame Team color correction : Robert Hedzet (with FilmConvert) cast : Goran Radovanovic, Sara Stevanovic, Petra Albrecht, Eva Ferk, Pastir Andrej Prešeren, Franc Robnik, Anja Vajhandl, Mateja Belna, Daniel Zamorano Rojas, Sara Muster sponsored by : Pekarna Geršak special thanks : Lindström, Velika Planina,MC Jedro Medvode, Žagarski mlin, Turisticna kmetija Pr´Mirnik, Sara Mlakar, Robert Perko FF booking & PR : Petra Fröhlich info@fameandflame.com http://www.fameandflame.com/ https://www.facebook.com/fameandflameofficial Sweet Peak ft. Maja Založnik - Le Croissant MUSIC : music : Sweet Peak composer : Mario Cižic arranger : Dino Zorec lyrics by: Tilen Majeric vocals : Maja Založnik musette: Riki Zadravec T.: 00386 31 559 798 E.: info@sweetpeakmusic.com sweetpeakmusic@gmail.com https://www.facebook
By Robert Hedzethttps://www.facebook.com/fameandflameofficial http://www.fameandflame.com/ Directed by : Robert Hedzet D.O.P : Blaž Gregoric Make-Up & Hair : Petra Fröhlich Styling : Petra Fröhlich Editing : Fame & Flame Team Color : Robert Hedzet (with FilmConvert)) Cast : Mitja Laznik, Tibor Golob, Roko Djuric, Luka Plazina, Toni Jureško, Martin Roncevic, Alen Softic, Karlo Bracic Photography : Tibor Golob Location : Buffalo Bill City Vrsi Special thanks : Big thanks go to shop CHILLUM, Sl.Gradec, for renting clothes and unique jewelry! Sedlarstvo Orter, Usnjarstvo Handanovic, Blaž Apacnik, Mark Smrtnik, Marjan Krajnc, Cross Country Club Legen and Mateja Koprivec - Palomino d.o.o. for renting riding equipment!! Buffalo Bill City Vrsi (Zadar), Ivanica Bukva, Sanja Lukic Bukva, Robert Perko Sponsors; Generalni sponzor - Mehiška restavracija SALOON - Zavarovalnica Maribor - New Yorker Store - Company Vabo - Company Acron - Medikem - Royal Pub - Pristar - Gradbeništvo Kuster info@fameandflame.com Bo
By Robert HedzetFREE MP3 DOWNLOAD : http://www.sabljastitiger.si/Tekochee%20Kru%20-%20Se%20vozim.mp3 Directed by: Robert Hedzet D.O.P: Blaž Gregoric aerial shots: Aleš Bajc (airvideo.si) Makeup/hair: Petra Fröhlich Edit : Mitja Mitruševski Cast: Marin Šebalj - Kuna, Matic Silc, Marisa Anušic, Svetlana Arsic, Iris Avdic, Špela Lavrinc, Giovanni Nezlomljivi, Peter Jereb, Matej Razpet, Stanci, Prelc, Rudan editing: Fame & Flame Team special effects: Ghost color correction : Robert Hedzet (with FilmConvert) special thanks : GT22, Robert Perko, Band Super Action Heroes, Družina Jereb, Special Guest : Dino Hajderovic http://dinohajderovic.com/ Booking & PR for FF: Petra Fröhlich Prvi single in videospot: Se vozim Kakšna je lahko pot, ko avto napolnijo bizarni liki, ki se med seboj ne poznajo? Kaj se zgodi, ko Batman po prekrokani noci sredi ceste pozabi odklenjen Batmobil? Kakšen je ulov perverzneža, ki mu misli okupirajo študentke v iskanju prevozov in denarja? Mariborski rap kolektiv Tekochee Kru pr
By Robert Hedzet***PREPOVEDANO JE NALAGANJE VIDEOSPOTA NA DRUGE KANALE*** https://www.facebook.com/fameandflameofficial http://www.fameandflame.com/ directed by : Robert Hedzet d.o.p : David Burk make-up / hair: Petra Fröhlich styling : Petra Fröhlich casting : Amanda Šabic editing : Fame & Flame Team color correction : Robert Hedzet (with FilmConvert) download link : http://www.sendspace.com/file/u0kzc8 POWERED BY : Silverfire http://silverfire.de/ SPECIAL THANKS : Belidim.si http://www.belidim.si/ Klub Top Six http://www.topsixclub.si/ Situla http://www.situla.eu/ New Yorker Slovenia http://www.newyorker.de/en/ info@fameandflame.com http://www.fameandflame.com/ https://www.facebook.com/fameandflame Booking & PR : Petra Fröhlich MUSIC : Music: Kc Blaze, Luka Radakovic - Rale, Željko Mladenovic (Apollo Music Studio) Aranzma: Luka Radakovic Rale, Elvir Ceman Manche Text: Elvir Ceman Manche Mix & Master: Željko Mladenovic (Apollo Music Studio) FIND US ON FACEBOOK : Manche: https://w
By Robert Hedzethttps://www.facebook.com/fameandflameofficial http://www.fameandflame.com/ directed by : Robert Hedzet d.o.p : David Burk make-up : Petra Fröhlich casting : Amanda Šabic location manager : Vid Izlakar editing : Fame & Flame Team color correction : Robert Hedzet (with FilmConvert) cast : Patricija Bezek, Amanda Šabic, Samanta Šabic, Katja Mihelcic, Anja Jenko, Maja Rajšter, Vanja Kneževic Sošic, Tomi Gomilšek special thanks : Mitja Kmetec, Vid Izlakar info@fameandflame.com http://www.fameandflame.com/ https://www.facebook.com/fameandflame Booking & PR : Petra Fröhlich THIS HOUSE IS FOR SELL : http://www.re-max.si/490151001-439 DOWNLOAD : http://www.sendspace.com/file/ydsbjn MUSIC : Music: Luka Radakovic Rale Text: Elvir Ceman Manche Arranger: Elvir Ceman Manche, Luka Radakovic Rale Mix & Master: Željko Mladenovic (Apollo music studio) FIND US ON FACEBOOK : Manche: https://www.facebook.com/Manche89 Rale: https://www.facebook.com/rale.ralc?ref=ts&fref=ts Armani: https://www.fac
By Robert Hedzethttps://www.facebook.com/fameandflameofficial http://www.fameandflame.com/ https://www.facebook.com/ChalleSalleFanPage2 *NAROCI NOV ALBUM KRISTALNO JASNO NA http://www.challesalle.com/?page_id=139 * directed by : Robert Hedzet d.o.p : David Burk make-up & hair : Petra Fröhlich styling : Petra Fröhlich editing : Fame & Flame Team color correction : Robert Hedzet (with FilmConvert) cast : Challe Salle, Damjan Jovic, Adam Velic, Zala Deželak, Boštjan Veinhandl, Blaž Kramaric, Matevž Vidmar, Jaka Dornig, Erik Francelj, Vid Mravlje, Benjamin Radic, Fejzo Alagic, Janez Kladnik, Alen Begic, Patrick Managure,Dino Hajderovic, Miha Zupan, Rok Tomažin, Alen Beganovic, Anes Langic, Tilan Fakin Ravmanovski, Tian Felix Fakin Ravmanovski, Thanks to : Uprava RS za izvrševanje kazenskih sankcij, ZPKZ Dob, Trgovina za nosecnice in mamice Popek, New Yorker, Jože Podržaj, Aleš Tibljaš, Bojan Majcenter, Železniški muzej Slovenije, Mladen Bogic, Lindstrom, Tjaša Abraham, Valter Kobal, Bad Boys Elite (
By Robert HedzetAmartya is a mathematician obsessed with understanding the universe . One day he does.
Please vote for us at http://www.rodemic.com/myrodereel/watch/1195
a notsoabsolute film
Watch the Making of Amartya: https://vimeo.com/98584816
Amartya Mukherjee: Anupam Roy
Anirudha Mukherjee: Kushal Banerjee
Dr Samarjit Guha: Samarjit Guha
Prof. Meghnad Maheshwari: Rahul Mall
Amartya's Mother: Chaitali Mukherjee
Young Amartya: Praneet Mukherjee
Directed by: Gairik Sarkar and Rohini Ghosh
Concept: Gairik Sarkar and Avik Ganguli
Story and Screenplay: Gairik Sarkar
Cinematography, Edit, VFX & Sound Design: Gairik Sarkar
Sound Recordist: Yudhajit Biswas and Rajdeep Mitr
A young woman deals with loss by retracing her memories of past events.
If I Had Another Day, is part of an ongoing series of short narrative films called Portraits of Melbourne. PortraitsOfMelbourne.com.au
Philosophically it is a meditation on grief and hope.
The idea behind Portraits is to base the narrative I write for each actor around them. I interview each actor and then write for them. So in a sense it is part narrative; part documentary - even if the "doco" thread is highly obfuscated.
Written, directed, shot and edited by Clarke Scott https://twitter.com/Clarke_Scott
The Girl - Ella May Cannon
Production assistants - Luke Joseph & Leo Ramos
BTS video here - https://vimeo.com/97282505
Directors commentary - https://soundcloud.com/clarkesscott/if-i-had-another-day-directors-commentary
This short film was originally created for Project Greenlight 2014. We advanced to the Top 200 films, but unfortunately we were unable to progress further.
Shot on Canon 5D MIII – Magic Lantern Raw
Graded in Adobe Premiere / FilmConvert
This film tells the story of a 23 year old man with a passion a little out of the ordinary.
Situated in the heart of Lancashire, The Weird & Wonderful is a Natural History store specialising in the highest quality taxidermy, osteology and entomology from around the world. Norman Wright, founder and owner launched the web store in the middle of 2012 from his bedroom and by January 2013 the stock and business was rapidly outgrowing his home. After an 8 week renovation, the flagship store opened in July 2013 and has grown rapidly since.
Norman provides an insight into these beautiful practices which are often misunderstood.
Footage treated with FilmConvert.
Filmed and edited by KNOW MEDIA - www.know-media.co.uk
Audra and David set out to be completely different in their approach to their wedding. With a theme of the 1920s, they had their eyes set on a Boardwalk Empire look and feel. Although we didn't end up with the exact look and feel due to time constraints, we stayed true to the idea of nostalgia and a sentimental feel to the wedding video.
It was a beautiful wedding from start to finish and the people that gathered to celebrate their journey were a testament to their love for one another. We absolutely enjoyed shooting their wedding and had a blast doing it as well!
Graded with FilmConvert
Music by: Jonathan Stark Courtesy of Marmoset Music
Dubbed ‘the pearl of Africa’ by Sir Winston Churchill, Uganda is one of the continent’s most beautiful and welcoming countries.
Documentary Film about Batwa Tribe and Kabale
Directed, Filmed and Edited by Ionut Turda
Edited in Premiere CC
Color grading: Colorista II and Film Convert
Canon 5Dmark3
Sony Fs700 + metabones speed booster
Canon L series
A man finds himself in the company of a mysterious stranger who will try to convince him to do the one thing he cannot do for himself.
Awards: Best Film & Best Cinematography (48 Hour Film Project, Salt Lake City, Utah)
Camera: Canon 5D Mark III
Lens: Canon EF 16-35mm f/2.8L II USM Lens
Director: Kasey LaRose
Director of Photography: Jeff Twede
Writer: Angie Treasure
Story: Circa3 Team
Edit: Kasey LaRose / Jeff Twede
Producers: Kasey LaRose, Jeff Twede, Tyler Cahoon, Tim Sessions
Executive Producers: Angie Treasure, Benjamin Taylor
Aerial Photography: Tyler Cahoon, Uprise Film
Color Grade: FilmConvert Pro - After Effects, Premiere (OSX)
"A Life on the Line" is an exploratory film; it follows a weekend on a trapline with my father in May, 2014. He explains, how trappers have a deep connection to the wild and how just being in the woods is often the greatest reward for those who continue in this traditional way of life.
I don't wish to glamorize the harvesting of animals, I merely wish to shed some light on a lifestyle that my ancestors thrived on and, that for all intents and purposes created the country of Canada.
If you have any questions or concerns, please email them to me at sam@iceriverfilms.com
This film was shot in the Duck Mountain Provincial Forest in western Manitoba, over a warm and blizzardy weekend in May. It was shot entirely on a Canon C100 with a wide variety of lenses, most notably, a Dog Schidt FF58. It was edited entirely in Adobe Premiere and graded with
This is the first of two segments that I made for the wonderful One Day In Denver filmmaking project.
The second piece will focus on the journey of the paper boats from Cherry Creek Reservoir, moving North along Cherry Creek, and into the city, culminating in their arrival at Confluence Park in Denver, where Cherry Creek meets the Platte River, and begins it's long trip east to the Mississippi, and eventually the Atlantic Ocean.
A million thanks to my awesome assistant and 2nd camera operator, Kris Farruggia for lending his time, effort, talent and commitment to helping me execute such a goofy idea.
Thank you to Matt Bliss, as well, for his profound patience and good sense of humor. Trying to get 100 stupid paper boats to cooperate wasn't easy. I'm so grateful you were willing to play along!
Thank you as well to Travis Thompson from the Denver Water Department, who's knowledge and experience will be featured in the 2nd segm
Client promotional spot created for Tiffany Josephs, a Life Coach located in Denver, Colorado.
Music licensed through themusicbed.com.
Canon C100
Canon 5D Mark III
Canon 16-35mm f/2.8
Canon 50mm f/1.2
Canon 24-105mm f/4
Sigma 85mm f/1.4
Sennheiser wireless lav.
Rode VideomicPro
Kessler Crane Pocketjib Traveler
Kessler Crane Pocket Dolly
Wieldy steadicam vest & sled
Graded in After Effects, w/ Colorista II and FilmConvert
A glimpse into the hard work and motivation behind the people who build walking paths through the wild and beautiful Scottish Highlands
Shot mostly on a Sony FS700 (apart from the aerial shots which were shot using a Canon 5Dmk2, from a microlight at about 6,000ft)
Cut with Final Cut Pro 7 - graded with FilmConvert
[NOTE: This streams from Vimeo at 1080p. You can download the source H.264 UHD 2160p rendered at ~25 Mbps by clicking the "Download" button below and using the "Original .MP4 file" link. Alternatively, you can view this in UHD 2160p online at http://youtu.be/N-9HXx1Bul4 by clicking the gear icon there.]
BACKGROUND: Last year, when the Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera arrived, I made a video to break it in - http://vimeo.com/hpmoon/nyc - and laid down a commentary to share some insights - http://vimeo.com/hpmoon/bmpc. I challenged the camera to known weaknesses, while crafting a fully-formed lyrical piece beyond the abundance of rough tests and demo clips.
With the launch of the Panasonic GH4, we're back to that same moment, seeing no shortage of test runs, but few large-scale works. Getting my early GH4 coincided with a trip to Chicago for a film festival I was in, so after a couple of days getting-to-know, I spent my last day running around the city before
Early morning in Paris. The city and its most iconic monument awaken as the day rises.
Shot with the Panasonic Lumix GH4.
Mode | Cinema 4K 4096x2160 24p
Lenses | Panasonic 14-140 mm, Panasonic 45-175 mm, Olympus 9-18 mm, Olympus 45 mm, Olympus 75 mm
Slider | Konova K1
Music | U137 - Watching the storm - Licensed through The Music Bed.
Grading | VisionColor Osiris LUT and FilmConvert
Music video of Ulrich Forman performing "I Got You".
Directed by Garnier / Le Gallo
Cinematography by Roger Saroyan
Produced by Au Revoir Ma Belle
Editing & Post Production by JL Pivert & Sofia Forman
Graded with FilmConvert
(P) & (C) 2014 P.K. AIR. MUSIC / Barclay
Filmconvert's excellent film emulation software now has a S-Log2 profile for the FS700 which works beautifully to give the picture an organic film-like look, based on actual film stock. Love it :0)
By Dave TarvitBob Wuest is an outsider artist; Painting, photography and sculpture. He has dedicated his life to development of his art, a style he calls Spontaneous Zoomorphology. This trailer/preview is a snippet into the project of the full length documentary in production, which explores his art, story, wisdom, mythology and experiences.
The full length documentary will be 30-45mins and intended to be submitted to a year long round of film festivals before being released publicly. Some screenings will be planned.
Shot on Sony FS700 and BlackMagic Pocket Cinema Camera and graded with FilmConvert
Lahjoita 20 euroa. Autat yhtä lasta saamaan mahdollisuuden koulutukseen.
Lähetä tekstiviesti OPETTAJA numeroon 16499.
Blackmagic pocket, filmconvert, Haiti, 2014.
Sound Thief is a documentary featuring independent musician Jivraj Singh, drummer for Pinknoise, and designer/producer. Born to parents who lived life on the road and made music, music was not so much a glamorous externality as much as a way of life for Jivraj. Watch us as we talk to him about his personal experiences and how they've impacted his music, as well as show you a lesser known musical fascination of his.
All sounds for the film & soundtrack have been live recorded at Malik Bazaar, Kolkata.
Sound :
Thief :
Featured Artist - Jivraj Singh
Direction - Aditya Kapur
Cinematography - Arnold Fernandes, Aditya Kapur
Assistance in Direction - Sombit Mondal
Producer - Aastha Singh
Editor - Rajdeep Mitra
Colorist - Gairik Sarkar
Graphic design - Priyanka Mehta
The story of risking happiness when we live by the pain of our past.
Graded with Filmconvert
Video "Canciones De Ayer". Letra y música: Mike Aguilar. Personaje de los calendarios: Esteban Bonilla. Dirección, edición y fotografía: Ale Gutiérrez. Producido por Oscura Film Project. Color por FilmConvert ©2014 - Derechos Reservados. Cartago, Costa Rica.
By Alejandro GutiérrezFastest run for the day. 49.94.
By Loren BrookesA fun time was had by all at Micah and Troy's Shark Island party. An island in the middle of Australia's Sydney Harbour.
Behind the video:
I have a new video camera called the Black Magic Pocket Cinema Camera (BMPCC) which can give very film like images. So I went ahead and continued that idea and used a set of film emulation colour sets by a plugin called film convert. Had some fun playing with different film looks. From different high res film colour treatments to Super 8 style camera and old timey cameras.
Where to get the film convert plugin: http://filmconvert.com/purchase/default.aspx
By Quincy GarderIn Studio Footage taken by Suspence Sanchez of Artists Named Pyro Prada and Uncle Murda.
In this version the track is not yet mastered, lookout soon for the mastered versión
Children at a bus stop in India with infectious smiles and curiosity.
Graded in FilmConvert
Shot with MagicLantern RAW
A tribute to Bob Marley's "No Woman No Cry" by Uness & Baba
Music video directed & produced by Amit Kehar (Gin & Tea)
Music Produced by Uness & Crime In The City
Concept by Amit Kehar, Uness & Baba\
Processed using FilmConvert
One Lens Test 001
Carl Zeiss Planar T* 50mm f1.4 AE C/Y
Shot Raw on Canon 5d3 using Magic Lantern (Few Shots with 3x Crop Mode)
Graded using FilmConvert (Fuji SuperX 400, 77% Grain)
Music by Cinematic Orchestra - Everyday
Anamorphic time lapse of turbulent weather hitting Galway City Ireland.
Sony FS100
Shot in-cam 8bit 4:2:0
Kowa 16-S Anamorphic
Canon 85mm ssc, Helios 58mm, Super Takumar 55mm, Host lenses
CC, Grade, filmconvert and Edit CS6.
Some moments from barefoot beach while I was out taking photos with my siblings. I didn't have an ND filter with me so the frame rate is crazy high to counter over exposure, and most of the shots were brief with no plans in mind for them. Instead of tossing this footage I decided to use it to experiment with color grading and decided to combine Filmconvert with an Osiris LUT.
Camera: Panasonic GH3
Lens: Pana 12-25mm 2.8
Edit/Cut: Premiere Pro (CS6)
Color/Grade: After Effects (CS6)
Filmconvert: Plrd 600 (16mm super)
Osiris: Vision X (rec.709)
Music: Stars of the Lid (Episode #30, part 1)