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Paranormal League

A zealous ghost hunter and his reluctant intern break into an allegedly haunted warehouse in an attempt to earn their way into the prestigious Paranormal League East club.

By derek toombs
Blackmagic Pocket, KD 5213 Vis3
LA Metro - Time to Learn

When you’re stuck in a rut, it’s time to learn something new. On this musical journey, we watch a young man just scraping by go from musical dunce to an incredible hip-hop producer using his phone.

By Nathaniel Upshaw
Canon 6D, FJ 8543 VD
Party of One

Party of One was a short film I shot in a single day to sort of challenge myself to produce something very quickly but still make it as pretty as possible.

Ursa Mini Pro 4.6k, KD 5213 Vis3

It’s 2018 — and we’re no longer pushing the boundaries of the status quo, right? Wrong. Welcome to our world, filled with high-flying energy and a vibrancy of color, where normalcy is no longer tolerated and convention is kicked to the curb. We’re ready for a little role reversal. Meet the HUSBAND, a good looking man in a crisp suit with matching white gloves as he makes the long and nerve-wracking walk along to poolside to deliver a DRINK to his WIFE. She’s dressed in haute couture of course, an ombre dress by KFD, lounging in the sun and letting those So Cal rays kiss her skin. But her husband’s shadow falls over her face and interrupts her peace and quiet. Strike one. He offers the beverage and she takes a sip. Her face ripples with disgust because he’s made it wrong. Strike two. BUT… there are no strike three’s around here. She hurls him into the pool — a small price to pay — for making her martini too dry. And now she’s on a rampage. This goddess storms the house and

By Nathaniel Upshaw
A7s, FJ 8543 VD
Energy Revolution

An observation into Germany's transition from traditional to renewable energy production.

By Sirio Magnabosco
Blackmagic Ursa Mini 4.6K, FJ Prov 100

A photographer experiences an unsettling occurrence in her studio during a photoshoot.

By Brock Brahmes
SONY FS5, FJ 8543 VD

Dear Monday Two words that best describe an idea that I had been wanting to use as a premise for a short film for about a year. When my friend Antoine hired me to shoot commercial work in Utah back in April of this year, I figured this was a golden opportunity to do it. The location and timing were perfect to stay a few extra days and work on a fun personal project for which we had total creative freedom. We traveled through the desert in an RV for 7 days, hiked, ran, rode, jumped, screamed and laughed from dawn to dusk; classic indie filmmaking.

Sony FS7, FJ 8563 RL

James has been outed at school before he could come out on his own terms, and he's afraid of what his parents will say when they discover he's got a boyfriend. With everything getting too much for him, James visits his youthworker to talk it all out, one-to one.

By Toby Lloyd
Sony NEX FS100, FJ 8553 ET
Surreal Iceland

The film showcases Landmannalaugar, one of Iceland's surreal wilderness areas. Edited, colour-graded and sound-mixed using DaVinci Resolve Studio 14.

By Arnold Kopff
A7sii, KD 5207 Vis3
Rainsford: Flowers In A Vase

File Name: FilmConvert

By Jason
Sony Alpha 6300, FJ 8543 VD

Hoje Eu Ia Terminar (Thales Lessa) Hoje eu ia terminar Acho que não dá certo mais Muita discussão pra pouco beijo Nosso amor também nunca foi perfeito mas Hoje eu ia terminar Fiz outros planos na minha mente Já que os planos que eu fiz pra você Já não eram mais suficientes Deu raiva Das suas indiretas de desconfiança Dizendo que tem gente esperando um deslize meu Que o meu coração não era 100% seu E voltando atrás Eu ia terminar só se você dissesse Que não me amava mais Aonde que eu ia Sem o amor da minha vida O meu coração não ia ter perna pra dobrar a esquina voltaria Era só um medo E você entrou em desespero Se tá dizendo que me ama Não vai me perder tão cedo Nem tão tarde Nem nunca mais FICHA TÉCNICA Música: Hoje eu ia terminar Compositor: Thales Lessa Produção musical: Ramon Almeida e Thales Lessa Direção e Edição: Saulo Emerson Diretor de fotografia: João Sousa Diretor de arte: Emanuel Anderson Direção e Pro

By Saulo Emerson de Sousa
KODAK DX6490, KD 5207 Vis3
Dacha in Moscow

Film is made on a camera KODAK DX6490, res.640х480. For Discovery short film. +FilmConvert

By Fedor Porshnev
Sony a7II, KD P400 Ptra
Searching for…the South… Colombia (Film Convert)

Travelling from north to the south of Colombia, from Atlantic coast to the remote Pacific area with my camera I recorded each and every moment that seemed valuable to my eyes, all the colours, faces and lights of this amazing country. The focus was not solely on the ever-changing landscapes but even more so on the people and their everyday lives. Instead of a linear narrative this short film was created as a dreamlike sequence that will guide the viewer through this land of magical realism. This is the result. Filmed on Sony a7ii (Slog2) and DJI Mavic Air, lenses used Tokina Firin 20mm, Sony 28mm, Sony Zeiss 55mm. Edited in Adobe Premiere, After Effects. Color grading with Film Convert.

By Vladimir Soic
Sony F55, KD 5207 Vis3

"An intruder breaks into a strangers property preparing for a 'hit' only to discover that the person he is their kill might not be a stranger after all. In fact someone or something may have in fact set both of them up."

By Arvind Sond
Blackmagic URSA Mini 4.6K, FJ Velvia 100
Boy Branch

After the passing of his father, a young jazz drummer finds healing through music, focus in the face of tragedy, and a gift he’s compelled to share with the world.

By Edward Cuddy
Canon C100, KD 5207 Vis3

Microfilm captured with the Canon C100 and graded with FilmConvert.

By Parker Roth
Canon C100, FJ Ast 100

Microfilm captured with the Canon C100 and Phantom 4 Pro and graded with FilmConvert.

By Parker Roth
GH5, KD P400 Ptra
Savage: Crossfit Demo

This was filmed for a well known apparel company, but we took the footage and edited it into our own cut to demonstrate our corporate sports capabilities. Filmed on the GH5 & GH5S w/ Ronin-M, Shogun Inferno in HLG 4K 60P and graded with FilmConvert KDP400 Ptra. Conformed to a 4K DCI 2.40:1 aspect ratio.

By Kevin Luiz
Two Sony A7SII bodies, FJ 8543 VD
Mia & James - Highlights Wedding Film

A traditional country English wedding short film with a modern-age twist.

By Pedro Portela
GH5, FJ Prov 100
The Here & Now

A short documentary filmed in Cambodia about yogi Joel Altman and the Hariharlaya yoga and meditation retreat. Graded with Film Convert.

By Darren Winwood
Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera, KD 5207 Vis3
Diving Oman [part 2]

Explore the beautiful reefs and marine life of Oman.

By Lennart Arendes
Canon 7D, IL FN P4

A short film, aftermath of a robbery.

By Taimour Rashid Kalson
5DMK4, FJ 8543 VD
Rabbies Tours

A short promotional film for Rabbies Tours. We we're asked to create an adventure lifestyle film bases around one of the tours exploring the west coast of Ireland. Wild epic landscapes, hiking in majestic mountains, swimming in turquoise waters, exploring quaint town streets.

By Gavin Gallagher
Canon 80D, FJ H400 Pro
Lasting Sympathy

Lasting Sympathy is the story of Jeff and Will, two best friends whose friendship is tested through an intense dispute between them at Will's house after a rough party. We see how one moment can alter a human relationship and show the complexities that can come with it.

By Jeremy
Panasonic GH5, FJ SuperX 400
Broken Headlight

Music video for Newtown Keezy - directed by Fred Kalil, photography by Christopher Adcock.

By Christopher Adcock
Canon 60D, FJ H400 Pro
The Loser

Three friends, a couple invite their friend for a card game, the atmosphere is very tend,big money in the game...let the best win...

By rhoni Jaefar
Canon 60D, FJ H400 Pro
The women and the mirror

A young lady obsessed with her beauty but constantly looking for reassurance, looking at the mirror like everyday to find an answer for her question, something incredible is waiting for her...

By rhoni Jaefar
Panasonic GH5, FJ Prov 100

After our wedding in Austin, TX we spent our Honeymoon driving the Ring Road. Iceland is a beautiful place - the people are wonderful, the food is fantastic and the views are never ending. We can't wait to go back. Shot On: Panasonic GH4: CINELIKE-D Metabones .64 Speedbooster Panasonic GH5: VLOG-L Metabones .71 Speedbooster Canon 35mm Canon 70-200mm Sigma 18-35mm DJI Mavic Pro iPhone X iPhone 7 Plus Edited With: FCPX (Corrected/Graded with Film Convert Pro Plugin) Music: Side of the Road by Big Black Delta (

By Brandon
Panasonic GH5, FJ 8543 VD

Dirección: Lucas Rios Guion: Federico Gonzáles Cobreros Producción Ejecutiva: Lucas Rios - Federico Gonzáles Cobreros Producción: Paula Mariana Luna Dirección de Fotografía: Emanuel Sarmiento Dirección de Arte: Carolina Lafuente – Rocío Barbeito Director de Sonido: Tomás Ramos Compositor:Rodrigo Caro Langwagen Montaje: Lucas Rios – Valentina Fragueiro Maquillaje y Fx: Julieta Andrada Calamera Vestuario: Lucila Paretti Elenco: Aldo: Fernando Margenet Juan: Máximo Ruiz Paramédicos: Oscar Manrique – Felipe Solas Policía: Fernando Báez Miguel: Lucas Rios Equipo Técnico : Asistente de Dirección: Abril Dores Ayudante de Dirección: Diego Borda Asistente de Producción: Fernando Báez Cámara: Lucas Rios DIT: Gerardo Gherman Asistente de Cámara: Ezequiel Kosmin Gaffer: Neyén Lencina Eléctrico: Fernando Báez Foto Fija: Matyas Bloo Laurel Diseño de Sonido: Tomás Ramos - Lucas Rios Sonido Directo: Aturo Salva Post Producción: Nicolás Agarzúa – Lucas Rios Post Producción de Color: Gerardo Gherman

By Lucas Nahuel Rios
Sony A7s mk II, FJ Prov 100
I Have Never Loved Someone Like You

"I Have Never Loved Someone Like You" A song by Guido Block. Script, direction and editing by Antonio Capra. Graded with FilmConvert. "Young Block": Alberto Guerra , Dance scene choreography: Comasia Palazzo.

By Antonio Capra
RED Scarlet W, KD 5213 Vis3

“aria - a long, accompanied song for a solo voice, typically one in an opera or oratorio." A film about an opera singer Victoria Miningham, her passion for music, her connection to the people around her, and her journey.

By Jay Worsley
5Dmk3, KD P400 Ptra
Once in a blood moon

A mate and I travelled to a salt lake in central South Australia to watch July’s blood moon eclipse.

By mit
Canon 5DiV, FJ 8553 ET
Burning Love

Two hot dusty lovers explore the weird ethereal streets of Burning Man in what looks like a scene from a Mad Max film crossed with an Dior perfume advert. Build it, burn it, let it go.

By Gavin Gallagher
Anything Available, KD 5213 Vis3
Oikos Initiative

For the launch of a new missions initiative at our organization, I wrote and edited a piece that compiled footage from the past 8 years. FilmConvert was helpful in providing a unifying look between all cameras and adding Super16 grain so everything had the same texture.

By Jesse Koepke
DJI Inspire 2 x5s, FJ Neo

Film and Music by Brian Siskind Graded with #Filmconvert Mural by Guido van Helten Special thanks to the Nashville Walls Project Filmed using a drone, SCALE is a black and white non-narrative documentary short that proposes a quiet meditation on the notion of scale and perception - featuring world renowned muralist Guido van Helten painting a monolith 200 foot tall abandoned grain silo mural in Nashville. What is gained by large scale work and what is perhaps lost? The same work on paper in hand - would it be the same? SCALE is an homage and portrait of an incredible amount of work, seen through the objectively abstract point of view from a drone in black and white. - Brian Siskind

By Brian Siskind
Somy A7Sii, FJ 8543 VD
Mike & Mary's Vow Renewal Ceremony

Mike & Mary have been together for 20 years, and they recently took the opportunity to bring their family together again to celebrate that time and committment to each other.

By Ashton Howe
Canon 5D Mark II, FJ SuperX 400

A film about a guy whose job is to save the world from a systemic world error.

By Vlad
Canon 550D - T2i, FJ Prov 100

Follow a dad as he attempts to get revenge for the murder of his son.

By Larry De La Briandais
Sony A7iii, FJ Velvia 100
A Wedding At Hutton Hall

A recent wedding at Hutton Hall, in Essex UK

By Philip London
Panasonic GH5, FJ Velvia 100
The Essex Coastal Path

Some of the highlights of walking the coastal path in Essex, UK.

By Philip London
Sony a7S II, FJ 8543 VD
Catherine : Duncan // The Cow Shed, Scotland // FIlm Convert

Catherine & Duncan's wedding at the Cow Shed in Scotland. Filmed and edited by Eleven Six Films. Shot on Sony a7S II and a7S with Zhiyun Crane. Edited with DaVinci Resolve and graded with Film Convert. All music is fully licensed via Sound Stripe

By Eleven Six Films
Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camear 4K, KD 5207 Vis3
Sydney with the Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K

We spent a day in Sydney cbd with our new Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K.

Sony F65 CineAlta, KD 5213 Vis3

Bubbles, a bittersweet comedy drama; telling the story of Jake, a lowly barista, and Bubbles, a spunky lady of the night. The two of them tumble and twirl together through this amusing, sexy and slapstick series of events. IMDB: Teaser: Stock: KD 5213 Vis3 & KD 5207 Vis3

By Arthur Graham-Maw
sony alpha 7sII, FJ H400 Pro
Between The Beats

a short film about Renana Bruckstein for the "MMA-Asian-Open-Championship", in Beijing - China, September 2018.

By immanuel bruckstein
sony alpha 7sII, Plrd 600
Movement's Shadow

I was in the Feel Festival in Germany. I film there for 2 Days and make a small aftermovie. I have the consent for the music, and also have a written approval from the msuic artist.

By immanuel bruckstein
Sony a7s, FJ H400 Pro
SCRAEGG After Work Event

The film is an event recap of the presentation of a brand new egg cooking machine. This movie was shot at the headquarter of SCRAEGG GmbH.

By Attila Erdélyi
DJI Phantom 4 , IL FN P4
The Crow Show

Through a tunnel of trees, the crows put on a show.

Sony a6500, FJ Velvia 100
A última Gota - (The last Drop)

"The last Drop" At the end of last summer Portugal suffered a very great loss with the fires Between 15 and 16 Oct 2017 there were more than 500 fires in only 2 days About 50 people died and hundreds lost everything they had The weather also did not help the rain did not want to fall and so everything became a hell All that was green quickly became black with a trail of enormous destruction. So the story is a young boy's dream of transforming a destroyed nature, where water is the primordial element of all life around him. Equipment Dji Phantom 4 Pro Sony a6500 Graded with "FilmConvert" Fj Velv100 By Tony Correia

By Tony Correia
GH5, KD 5207 Vis3
Fire Rescue Devision

Commercial film for Lithuanian Airports.

By Jevgenij Tichonov
GH5, KD 5207 Vis3
Kiteboarding Instructor

Graded with FilmConvert using KD 5207 Vis3 Shot on Lomo anamorphic and spherical lenses.

By Jevgenij Tichonov