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Sony FS700, KD 5207 Vis3
#REFLECTSKC: Sporting KC's New Third Kit


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[Footage Graded w/ FilmConvert]

By David Kaufman
blackmagic pocket, KD 5207 Vis3
Dessa "Sound The Bells" (Official Music Video)

Directed by Daniel Cummings
Underwater footage by Alex Ruiz
Graded using FilmConvert Pro
Styled by Jen Yumang / Underwater dress tailored by Luisa Garmers
From the album Parts of Speech, in stores now on Doomtree Records

Written and performed by Dessa, Sean McPherson, Joey Van Philips and Dustin Kiel. Additional performance by Rebecca Arons, Gabriel Douglas, Aby Wolf, Benjamin Burwell. Publshed by Lorem Ipsum.

By Daniel Cummings
Sony A7II, FJ 8553 ET
La Tortura (The Torture) Created for the Weekend Challenge

Micro Film created for the Vimeo Weekend Challenge - One Sound to Rule Them All.

Directed, shot, and edited by Luis Carducci -
Actor: Maurizio Carducci

Color Graded with FilmConvert

Song: "Will be war soon?" by Kosta T (

Parameters of the challenge:
"Create a video that uses one main thematic sound effect. This can be something that exists naturally in the space you’re filming, like a dog barking over and over again, or something non-diegetic — think the helicopter sounds in Apocalypse Now or the violin screech in Psycho."

By Luis Carducci
Canon 6D, FJ 8543 VD


contact : tel : +373 79 10 83 76 mail:

By Maxim Ignatenco
Sony FS7 / A7s, KD 5207 Vis3
Hudl Sideline Bellevue :: Film Convert

By Kelly Herrington
canon c100, fj 8563 rl
Tamar & Omer

Canon c100 c-log

By Nati Shoko
Cannon 60 and 70D, FJH160s Pro
Bronte + Kyle

Such a perfect day! It is such a special privilege to film the wedding of two people that are very dear to you. Bronte and Kyle had the most incredible wedding day, at which I definitely shed a couple of tears and then I nearly shed them again as I edited this video and relived all of those moments again. I enjoyed every second of making this video and I hope you enjoy every second of watching it!

Graded with Film Convert.

By Benjamin Staer
Canon 5d MK3, fj velv 100 & KD Vision 3 5207
Betsy & Brian's Wedding Video, Villa Sant'Andrea, Taormina, Sicily

Like this film?
music courtesy of
graded with

By Ben Marlow
sony pxw-x70, go pro, KD 5207 Vis3
Film Convert - Paris anders - FR

By Jonathan Lugo
Sony FS100, Fuji Velvia 100 & KD Portra 400
To the Max - Filmconvert Color Up Film Competition

Originally created for the 2015 Colchester 60 Hour Film Challenge. Written, shot and edited in 60 hours, To the Max shows what can happen to the fifth wheel in a group.

By Cody Mennenoh
Canon 5D, Kd 5213 Vis3
FilmConvert - The Chocolates

By Pascal Hug
Red Scarlet, FJ 8543 VD
Prism Surf "Lone Ranger" (Film Convert)

Directed by Scott Hansen
Edited by Christian Maiko

By Scott
Canon 5D MarkIII, FJ 8543 VD
Extra Baggage - Director's Cut

In this drama filled, action heist 4 friends are on a mission to do something that's never been done before. To make things worse, they have to compromise to complete their mission, can they do it?

Filmed on a Canon 5dMKIII, Color Grading in FilmConvert (FJ8543 VD).

David Hammons
Zach Williams
Robert Palmer
Dylan Atkins

Chase Gustafson

Linden Wilson

Special Thank You to Gene Elliott

By Chase Gustafson
Red Epic-X, Kd 5213 Vis3
Climate - Pat's Story

+ Promo piece for a corporate client
+ Color graded with FilmConvert
+ Edited on Premiere Pro CC 2015

By Matt
Red Epic-X, FJ 8553 ET
Chef Hartley | Sous Vide

Discover what makes Chef Blake Hartley tick and strive for excellence in his craft.
+ Color graded with FilmConvert
+ Edited on Premiere Pro CC 2015

More films at

By Matt
5d mark iii, FJ 8543 VD
Megan and Nick

Two architects, one blustery day, an enchanted evening, and a life together.

Music: Moose Records // Misogi & Andrea - Love U

Graded using FilmConvert.

By Eric Albaugh
Red Epic-X, KD 5207 Vis3

+ 6hr Commercial Competition piece
+ Color graded with FilmConvert
+ Edited on Premiere Pro CC 2015

By Matt
Canon 5D Mk3 / GoPro4, KD 5207 Vis3
Flight Brigade - Housefire (Official Music Video)

Set in the Welsh mountains and following the story of girl fleeing the powerful influence of her past, 'Housefire' was made on a budget of zero pounds (but a bucketload of dedication and love) by the brother of the lead singer and the brother of the lead girl.

Directed and filmed by Seth Baines and Pascal Hughes
Aerial footage pilot: Ian Hunter
Additional aerial footage: Ollie Denny
Visual compositing: Nick D'aguiar
Editor: Seth Baines ( using FCPX + FilmConvert
Primary location scout: Pascal Hughes
Design & web: Swerve Concepts
Photography: Seth Baines

Cast: Oliver Baines, Dorry Macaulay, Jonny Barker, Thomas Pink, Tom Clay, Neil Blandford and Miriam Baines.

Extra special thanks: Jesse Baines, Mimi & Pat Baines, Bridget & Jim Hughes, The Kirbys, Gione da Silva, Timmy Barker, Matt Winter & Family, RJ Macaulay, Sara Read, Isabelle Rodker and Mike Brear.


By Seth Baines
6D, plrd600
Siclia_Catania_Anfiteatro romano | Sicly_Catania_Roman amphitheater

canon 6d
canon 17-40mm
gimbal BG001- PRO
monitor Viltrox DC-70
editing Premier Pro cc 2015
cc Filmconvert

panasonic gh4, KD Vision

Film directed by Shoot By FG

World Day of Earth

A video shoot 2015 in Guadeloupe Island, with a Panasonic GH4 shoot 4k 24p + Voigtlander Nokton 25mm F/0.95 + Panasonic 100-300 + Olympus 75mm - 45mm -12 mm + FilmConvert

By franck
Canon Eos 6D, FJ Velv 100
Best Moments | Maria & Claudiu

Best Moments Maria & Claudiu
Graded using FilmConvert

© Andrei Ursu Filmmaker |

By Andrei Ursu
Sony Alpha 7s, Fuji Velvia 100
Pablo e il Mare - Tortuga (Official video)

Just another love story on an Italian beach. A fisherman, a foreign pretty lady on holiday.

Pablo e il Mare - Tortuga
(Libellula Music/Audioglobe 2015)

Directed and edited by Fabrizio Vacca
Written by Fabrizio Vacca and Andrea Berardi

Graded with Filmconvert.

By Fabrizio Vacca
sony pxw-x70, FJ 8553 ET
Film Convert - Fabio Guglielmino in Frankfurt - Fuori Tempo

By Jonathan Lugo
Sony A7s, FJ Prov 100
Iron Born - FilmConvert

Eric O'Neill is an Artist Blacksmith from Cappamore in Limerick, Ireland. In this short documentary Eric talks about his passion for his art, his reasons behind doing it and what drives him every day.

Filmed by Aaron Walsh, Sean Mercier, Adam Moylan
All music rights go to Trevos Morris..

By Aaron Walsh
C100 Mark 2, FJ 8543 VD
DSG Alpha Holsters

I was tasked to create a short film documenting the quality, process, and reliability of DSG Arms Alpha Holsters. These holsters are used prevalently in law enforcement units, so the quality of the products is so important.

The talent in the opening and close of the video was an actual Fort Worth Police/SWAT Officer.

I shot it with the C100 Mark 2, and primarily the Canon 24-70 F/4L IS, with a few shots with the Zeiss 25mm f/2 zf.2. The lighting was done with a pair of Westcott ulite softboxes with 500W photoflood bulbs.
Cinevate Duzi was used for the slider shots.
Rode NTG4 was used for dialogue and audio. After filming, I went back and rerecorded the sound effects for each step of the process to layer into the finished film.

Film Convert was used for grading, and I shot with the C100s wide DR profile.

By Zach Ashcraft
Canon 5d Mk 2, KD 5207 Vis3
Wedding Arjen en Paulien - Filmconvert

Het verhaal van Arjen en Paulien, over echte liefde, die soms wat kost, maar altijd overwint. Op een warme nazomerdag in Oktober beloofden Arjen en Paulien elkaar in de bossen van Drenthe trouw. Wil je meer lezen over deze bohemian wedding, lees dan de blog!

Music Licensed by The Music Bed

By Gerbert Floor
Sony a7s, FJ SuperX 400
The Artist - a film about my dad


By Poll
Blackmagic URSA, Kd 5213 Vis3
Sheridan Handcarvings // A Day in the Life / Filmconvert

A short profile for Stephen Sheridan Handcarvings

We spent a day with Stephen Sheridan in his woodwork shop in Gorey Co. Wexford. Stephen has been crafting and carving with wood for over 20 years and he wanted to visually document his work and processes for his own website. We thought that he was a perfect fit for a profile style short documentary instead of the usual talking head boring stuff. A Day in the Life, was the end result. We hope you like it.

Filmed on the Blackmagic URSA
Shot in 4k Pro Res HQ and downscaled to 1080p
Slo Mo shot at 80 fps
Edited and graded in FCP 7 and Resolve 11

Directed filmed and edited - Stuart Duff
Sound Recordist and focus puller - Mark Birney
Production Assistant - Vincent Duff
Lighting and Grip supplied by - Film Equipment Hire, Dublin
Featuring - Steph

By Stuart Duff
sony fs-700 sony fs-100, all
Elvir & Irma Wedding Film

Video by: bh-studio production
Location: St.Louis ,Missouri
Video color FilmConvert

By haris
canon 6d, Ilford D400
Тень / Shadow

neo-expressionist silent short movie about the photographer and the shadow

color correction was made with FilmConvert

2015, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

By Emile Khafizov
Sony a7s, KD 5207 Vis3
Immanuel - Filmconvert competition

The whole song 'Immanuel' can be bought for 2 euro's, via the tip jar (all the money goes to the artist) or an email to You get the mp3 and lyrics. This way you support Ardie, so he can make a new album next year.

Het gehele lied 'Immanuel' (wat in de onderstaande teaser voor een deel te horen is) is vanaf nu te koop voor maar 2 euro. Je krijgt dan het mp3tje en de tekst met akkoorden. Hoe doe je dat? Stuur een email naar met daarin je naam en dan wijst de rest zich vanzelf. Op deze manier wil ik geld inzamelen voor een album dat ik wil maken volgend jaar, vol van dit soort liedjes.

By Gerbert
Canon t2i, FJ 8543 VD
Storybook Project with Tom Franco

Artist Tom Franco and HHS Art Teacher Cindy Lynch collaborate to bring innovative learning experiences to Hillsdale.

Color graded with Filmconvert.

By Mark Helsel
Black Magic Pocket Cinema Camera, Kd 5213 Vis3

Its finally done. In my second film this year, I show you where the past 3 generations of my family has gone to escape the real world. Located in the San Juan Mountains of Colorado, SILVERTON is one of a kind. Written by myself and brother Jared Thiem, we give you our take on what our generation is missing out on. Portrayed by Jenna Thiem, we see that “the beauty in the world isn’t always where everyone else is going”. Put it on the big screen and turn it way up— thats how we’re doing it.

Interpret it, take action, and show us what you find. Here is Silverton, as seen by me.


Shot hand held on a Black Magic Pocket Cinema Camera. All footage was shot Apple ProRes 422 (HQ). The lens was an Olympus M. Zuiko Digital ED 12 mm f/2.0. Edited in Premiere Pro CC. Colored with Vision Colors M31 LUT and Film Convert.

-Original composition by myself and Adam Kinicky.

By Jordan Thiem
GH4, FJ 8543 VD

I spent a week in hawaii and I found peace in there...

Philippians 4:6-7
6.Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition,
with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.7. And the peace of God, which
transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
MESSAGE BY John Piper from "Desiring God"
(All scenes are taken in Honolulu,Hawaii)
Graded with Filmconvert

By jimmy chang
Pansonic Gh4 & Phantom 3 Professional, KD p400 Ptra
Penny Board

My brother came to town for the weekend. We decided to head down to the river to test out the new steadicam we got and get some drone action in. As he put it "We were just havin' fun".

Shot on Pansonic GH4 & DJI Phantom 3 Pro
Graded with Film Convert

By Casey Dierking
Canon t2i, FJ 8543 VD
UCSC Mural Painting

Color Graded using filmconvert

By Mark Helsel
Sony A7s, KD 5207 Vis3
Ethan & Amy's Wedding

Music by:
Audrey Assad
"Love is Moving"
Death, Be Not Proud - EP

FilmConvert Stock: Kodak Vision 3 5207
Camera: Sony A7s

By Brett Rostykus
RED Dragon, Fuji Reala 8563
LG G4 "Photos From Beyond"

Shot for VICE & LG G4

Director/DP Jason Ano
Shot on RED Epic Dragon
Letus Helix
Canon CN-E 24mm T/1.4
Canon CN-E 50mm T/1.2
Canon 70-200mm f/2.8 L IS II
Graded with FilmConvert

By Jason Ano
canon eos 5d mark 3, FJ Velv 100
The spiderman

This young man from Tamale, Ghana has a lot on his mind. His reflections about life in Africa is precise and the story about how a childhood memory about the amazing Spiderman influenced his life and almost became a self-fulfilling prophecy. His ambition to success is no different than in our western world, but maybe harder?

The soccer field where we meet Maccarthy could easily be a metaphor for life in Ghana; a lot of obstacles, bumpy and full of rocks. But that does not discourage them. The soccer training is about more than just keeping fit it is a way to socialise and network which is very important in that part of the world. As Maccarthy says “ Things do not come easy in my part of the world - you have to struggle a hundred procent ” Maccarthy is this young compelling man with a lot on his mind.

colors by Filmconvert

By Ulrik Tofte
Canon C300, IL FN FP
Life on the streets

What's it like to be homeless? This film gathers together a collection of stories direct from those who - through circumstance - have wound up living on the streets.

From riding the buses, to dodging rats and coping with ill health, find out about just some of the challenges rough sleepers face each day and those they overcome with the help of The Passage.

This film was first screened at the Royal Festival Hall on 9 October 2014, the eve of World Homeless Day, as part of the annual fundraiser A Night Under the Stars, in aid of The Passage charity. Donations welcome:


This film was graded with Filmconvert

By Simon Waller
Sony FS700, DJI Inspire 1, FJ 8543 VD
Ria de Aveiro - "The Passion that Unites Us" [Promotional, English version]

Ribs were carved by nature along these dunes and fields. It also created connected vessels, water ramifications... sea branches that penetrated the land, resembling sinuous roots projected by trees seeking for water when seen from the sky...

Nature prepared a canvas... and left to mankind the challenge of coexisting with it.

The Polis Litoral Ria de Aveiro arose from an unprecedented convergence of desires. Then, plans of rehabilitation, recovery and gentrification of all this vast territory followed.

And there it is, Ria de Aveiro: Environmentally preserved and economically vibrant, offering multiple experiences.

It inspires us to gaze upon it, relax and feel...

Director: David Mendes

Producer: Lara Fernandes

Script: Pedro Miguel Ribeiro

Cameras: David Mendes, Gustavo Sá, João Lourenço

Drone: Jorge Leal

Editors: João Lourenço

By David
Panasonic GH4, KD 5207 Vis3
CinemaScope Summer - Baby Hypergonar Anamorphic - FilmConvert

Filmed in North West Florida in the summer of 2015. Cinematography, editing and music by Ian Edward Weir.

Music performed on an African Tongue Drum.


St. George Island Wildlife Refuge
St. Marks Wildlife Refuge
St. Joseph Wildlife Refuge
Cape San Blas
Bald Point State Park
Carrabelle Beach

Special Thanks:

Farnaz Khoshbakht - Producing expeditions
Alan at Redstan - Anamorphic gear Guru -
Seb Farges - Technical assistance / Guru -


I shot on a Panasonic GH4 in 4k with a Baby Hypergonar anamorphic lens. I used Olympus Zuiko Pen F lens as my taking lens (38mm F1.9, 70mm F2 and the 100mm F3.5). I used a custom Baby Hypergonar Jacket from with 2 Tokina +0.4 achromatic diopters and a Narumi +3 diopter for close up shots.

Edited in Adobe Premiere and colored with Magic Bullet Colorista III and Film Convert

*If you like this video check out the one I did in

By Ian
Sony FS700, DJI Inspire 1, FJ 8543 VD
Ria de Aveiro - "The Passion that Unites Us" [Documentary, English version]

Ribs were carved by nature along these dunes and fields. It also created connected vessels, water ramifications... sea branches that penetrated the land, resembling sinuous roots projected by trees seeking for water when seen from the sky...

Nature prepared a canvas... and left to mankind the challenge of coexisting with it.

The Polis Litoral Ria de Aveiro arose from an unprecedented convergence of desires. Then, plans of rehabilitation, recovery and gentrification of all this vast territory followed.

And there it is, Ria de Aveiro: Environmentally preserved and economically vibrant, offering multiple experiences.

It inspires us to gaze upon it, relax and feel...

Director: David Mendes

Producer: Lara Fernandes

Script: Pedro Miguel Ribeiro

Cameras: David Mendes, Gustavo Sá, João Lourenço

Drone: Jorge Leal

Editors: João Lourenço

By David
Canon C100 Mark II, KD 5207 Vis3
Shaw Road To The Grey Cup - Henry Burris

Part of an ongoing project for Shaw's Road To The Grey Cup digital campaign. We're travelling across Canada to share the stories of 9 incredible athletes as they strive for greatness.

View more ongoing video content at

Client: Shaw Communications
Marketing and Management: Barry Forth - Wasserman Media Group
Agency: Sway Advertising
Director of Production: John Challinor
Production Company: Electric Mango Film Company
Director: Shawn Lovering
Editor: Wild and Light
Producers: John Challinor, Taylor Prestidge
DoP: Shawn Lovering
Color: Shawn Lovering, John Challinor

Special Thanks: CFL, CFL Players Association, Shaw, Sabrina Loeprich, Zac Jackson, and the Althetes

Film graded with FILM CONVERT

By Shawn Lovering
Sony FS700, FJ 8543 VD
The Spirit of Discovery - Corinthia Hotel Lisbon

The Spirit of Discovery apresenta o Corinthia Hotel Lisboa como o ponto de partida ideal para descobrir a gastronomia, a cultura e a tradição da capital portuguesa, num clima de requinte e sofisticação que proporciona aos seus visitantes uma experiência única e inesquecível. // The Spirit of Discovery presents Corinthia Hotel Lisbon as the ideal starting point on a journey to discover the food, culture and tradition of the Portuguese capital, all in a refined and sophisticated atmosphere that provides its visitors an unique and unforgettable experience.


Realizador // Director: David Mendes

Produção // Production Company: Ideias com Pernas
Produção Executiva // Executive Producers: Corinthia Hotel Lisbon

Elenco // Cast
Bernardo Mendonça - Homem // Man
Camila Balbi - Mulher // Woman
Diogo Reis - Motorista // Car Driver
Miguel - Surfista // Surfer
Filipe Xavier

By David Mendes
Canon C300, FJ 8553 ET, KD 507 Vis3, KD P400 Ptra,
The Bliss Of Ignorance

Through first-hand testimony The Bliss of Ignorance investigates South Africa's complex relationship with one of the country's most abundant resources: coal.

With experts predicting the creation of a "sick" generation in the Mpumalanga region (which is home to 12 of the world's largest power stations),this documentary looks at the impact of South Africa's energy policy - particularly the support for Eskom's coal-fired power stations - on public health. In February 2015 energy giants Eskom were granted five years grace from complying with atmospheric emission standards, making this film ever more timely and relevant.

Set against the wider climate change debate, The Bliss of Ignorance highlights how the mining and burning of coal affects the environment; polluting air and valuable water resources in a water-scarce country. In 2012, 17,000 people in Carolina, Mpumalanga were left without water because their local supply was polluted by acid mine drainage. <

By Simon Waller
GH4, KD P400 Ptra
DES FILLES COMME ELLES ( teaser ) #muaythai

Un documentaire de 52' écrit et réalisé par Michel & Nicolas Arribehaute
Produit par Jean-François Moussié
Sortie prévue DERNIER TRIMESTRE 2015
page facebook :
Avec :
Sandra Sevilla ( muaythai )
Livia Lancelot ( Motocross )
Johanne Defay ( Surf )
Nawal Meniker ( Athlétisme )

Réalisation teaser Michel et Nicolas Arribehaute
Montage post prod Michel Arribehaute
Mixage Sound design Nicolas Arribehaute @arribehauteN
réalisé à l'aide de 2 Lumix GH4 et optiques Lumix 12-35 color correction FIlmconvert

Merci à
Rodrigo Alamos et le team Alamos
David Urban et Urban Boxe
Raymond Sevilla
Fernand Lopez et

By michel arribehaute
panasonic gh4, FJ 8543 VD
OD FULMINE - 5 cose

Od Fulmine's new music video.
Directed by Mattia Cominotto,
Cinematography and editing: Marzio Mirabella

Filmed with GH4

Od fulmine on spotify:
color graded with Film Convert

By marzio
Sony A7s, KD 5207 Vis3
Capture the Imagination

Holed up in his forest tree house, a hunter sets a trap for an elusive creature. The time would pass much quicker if he could just finish the story he is writing...

Starring Joe Barry
Music by Camille Robinson
Made by Dan Jobson
Graded with Film Convert.

By Dan Jobson
Blackmagic pocket cinema camera, KD 5207 Vis3

Unnveig Aas. Love EP.

Regi: Kim Fjeldberg.
Foto: Daniel Jacobsen.
Jogger: Jo Seberniak.
Sminke: Lill Sofie Eriksson Willsberg

Graded with Film Convert.

By Daniel J